Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rebel!

Praise the Lord for the blessing
of a new heart for our girl on her birthday.

From Marie:

"The perfusionist came with the charge nurse from the ward around 7 AM to tell us that she was `going like a pony!` At this moment she is still in the OR as they are waiting to ensure all the bleeding subsides and that all continues to go well. So we now want to ensure that that her body doesn't reject the heart. All seems to be going very well."

Please continue to pray that she does not reject her new heart and that her recovery goes well.
Remember the donor family as well in your prayers. The gift they have given is most amazing in light of the gift they lost.

Thank you so much for your continuing prayers.

1 comment:

Calories and Coffee said...

Oh T, I'm sitting here crying tears of joy for you and for the Rebel girl. I put the info in my blog so more people could pray. Hang in there and keep us updated.