Monday, April 07, 2008

A quiet weekend passed.

I didn't go to church on Sunday. I think my lack of sleep caught up with me. I turn my alarm off on the weekends, and Sunday morning, after the initial "oh... it's only 6:30 AM" passed by, I fell asleep again and didn't wake up til nearly 10AM. I couldn't make myself hit the shower, eat something quickly and get there by 11:15AM. First time in months I haven't been.

Had a quiet afternoon with the Rebel at the hospital. Her room is right across from the nurses station and during the week its some noisy. Come the weekend, and things are a little calmer and quieter. She had a fixation on watching The Grinch, with Jim Carey, so that was the movie of the day. Must have something to do with missing Christmas this year. We took her outside in the afternoon, but she found the wind cold in spite of the sunshine. I should have left the lining inside her coat.

The SU and I were given an orientation on how her machine works. It's a pretty basic thing and simple once you know. It runs on power or batteries or back up batteries; a compressor and back up compressor. It can even run on a car electrical system (my lighter is broken - better get that fixed or she can't come in my car!) and there is a hand pump if we ever get totally desperate, which, apparently, has not happened to this machine.

Rebel wants to switch bedrooms with her sister. I think she's afraid of remembering the night she went to hospital if she comes back to that room. Rebel Tweeny said she'd do it. I think it has something to do with the roof jutting out of the window of this room, and RT remembering Rebel and her friends sitting on the roof partying. WhatEvEr- I think it also means re painting both rooms, but I figure that's a small price to pay for keeping Reb's mental health intact.

Every now and again, the nursing coordinators, the ones who are like Customer Service Reps - the case manager sort of between patient, families and the health professionals - will ask me how I am doing. Most of them are well aware that the SU and I were separating as Rebel's illness was playing itself out. They take me aside and ask me if I need anything, if I am doing all right. On the odd occasion when the SU has been around, he hasn't really clued into these private conversations. Of course, the nursing coordinators are all women, and two of them that I know of are also divorced. I have people looking after me everywhere. It's nice to know.


Lily on the Road said...

It is true, there ARE angels everywhere!


Rudy said...

Yes, angels all around us.

I am glad you slept in and took care of your rest. If it needed to be any other way it would have been. God is everywhere, including watching over your rest.

{hugs} and +prayers+