Monday, April 21, 2008

A Heart.

Just in from Marie:

"I am at the hospital and we have a donor heart!!! Just found it. If all is well, and the heart after inspection is good, Rebel will be under going transplant on her birthday- shortly after midnight. Please say a prayer for the donor and the family as well as successful surgery."

I will update as I hear more.

Let's storm heaven on Our Girl's behalf as well as praying for the donor family.


Anonymous said...

storming heaven on our girl's behalf.

love to you all,

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I just got up and turned on the "the news", I am in tears and praying for all concerned!!!

Prayers to the family of the donor heart, prayers to Rebel on her journey to a new life, what a birthday present!

Prayers to Marie and RT and yes even SU...

God grant them the strength they will all need.....

Praise be to God....


Calories and Coffee said...

Praying and hoping.

Annie said...

Oh my gosh.....I too just tuned in. Happy birthday to our rebel-girl. Many prayers for a successful surgery.
