Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Lily on the Road said...

Very pretty, are these yours????

Just asking.........LOL

Lily, (hey where are the lilies?)

Anonymous said...

Lovely tulips.

and Lily's question is valid. You did have a photo of shoots a few weeks back. I could go back and compare but that sounds like work.
heh heh.

love and hugs,
~ b

Anonymous said...

yep- these are mine. Right under the kitchen window in the front yard.

Lilies will be up later in the season. I have TONS of lilies. Orange ones. (-: In fact I should be splitting them and moving some to the back yard this year.

Snapped them this morning before they were opened up by the sun.

Anonymous said...

gotta love a double post at the same time eh Blondie!
Is that like saying the same thing at the same time. So I say back.. "buy me a coke now!' LOL

The shoots are done. those were these pretty little flowers that are finished already! LOL
Marie again.

Rudy said...

I have TONS of lilies.

are they tiger lillies? rrrRRRrrr

Lovely little flowers. Mine will be a while yet.