13 - You say it like it's a bad thing!?
blink blink. smile.
blink blink. smile.
1. Bitch!
2. I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you
3. AS IF!
4. no way. WAY!
5. fecking eejit! sounds good after 2-3 whiskey glasses of fine single malt
6. RAMB - much nicer than calling it what it is - Rat-ass-moron-bastard
7. Get the hell outta my way!
8. Bloody eejit! nicer than #5 after 2 Kilkenny pints
9. Dumb Ass
10. Jackass a smarter version than #9 but still close to #5
11. Are you KIDDING me? I mean seriously!
12. FREAK!
13. Aw sheeee-ite man!
Girl, you crack me up!
~ b
I rather like the term of endearment Jackhole lately....
LOL....As if........
That is some list M.
I wonder if I can guess who it is about 2 out of 3 times :-)
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