When the entire divorce process was starting a mediator had to be chosen. Readers may recall how my choice was spurned by the SU and/or his lawyer. Well, lo and behold this weekend in our little community paper guess who was "featured" as a specialist and divorce mediator? Of course he was, the spurned mediator, the one the SU's lawyer claimed didn't have "experience." The mediator I spoke with first hoping to use him based on a friend's recommendation. Oddly enough he has enough "experience" to be asked by the newspaper why so many couples divorce after Christmas. He has enough experience that the newspapers are using him as their local specialist on mediation and separation. The SU's lawyer claimed his knowledge of financial issues wasn't deep enough. The guy not handles divorces but company and financial disputes. Has anyone suggested that some lawyers are idiots?
Not only that his rates haven't gone up with his fame either. Still the same as they were when he and spoke last year. His office is about ten minutes from my house, free parking and hours that are flexible. That and a better website than the one my mediator has too.
I have resisted the urge to show SU the article and tell him his lawyer is an idiot. But really, why help the man ruin his own life. He's doing just fine without me.
She drops the paper on the table, smiles, rolls her eyes and leaves the room.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
See, there is a God and She has a sense of humour....
Rock on sista'
Oh Hells no!
I would copy it (in case I wanted to re-use it in the future), highlight specific parts in pink, and leave it on the dork's pillow with the question "just who recommended against this guy?"
but sometimes, I just have one of those impish streaks in me.
You are much classier than I because I would totally rub his nose in it.
oh lord. I should actually sign my comment, eh?
that was me up there.
~ b
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