Monday, June 08, 2009

On My Case.

The SU is again slightly ticked and frustrated with me. With Rebel's health claim forms I've received my share back of the drug costs but I haven't bothered claiming back from his plan. It's mostly my money but there has been the odd claim that I had to do for him. Yeah, silly of me, but I didn't claim back the rest of the 20% because I knew it would bother him. So now he's on my case and will probably sic his lawyer on me. It's how he rolls. So I suppose I'll bite the bullet and do the paperwork - I hate paperwork and forms - and will get the rest of the money back. The thing is - the cheques will be in his name and I have to get the money back from him. However I've decided that perhaps before I actually finalize the forms I'll tell him that I won't send them off until he does some of the handiwork around the house. May as well try and leverage what very little non existing power I think I might have.

I want him to finish up the messes he's made. If I can save some handiman money why wouldn't I? I was thinking about taking picutres of all the unfinished stuff around my house and putting the pictures on Facebook and ensuring that everyone knows it's his unfinished business. Some of the people he knows are my FB friends. It would be rather bitchy and probably not bad as revenge therapy but also rather catty I suppose. Now before you all start to comment on my pettiness... don't worry I won't go there... I might tell him I will .. no really... I won't stoop to that level. Can you feel my crankiness coming through? As it is I am getting the house ship shape before our exchange students comes at the end of August. Rebel Junior has been chatting with her and she seems like a great kid. WE won't be able to offer her the kind of family she has - but I hope we can have a good time with her and regardless of where SU is going to fit in the picture the two girls will have a great time together.

Rebel has been asking for my car - even though she has moved in with the BF. He "can't" pick her up from work or take her where she needs to be - I had to use the tough love and tell her too bad so sad - moving out means being independent and going your own way. I told her that the two of them will have to figure things out as my car isn't part of her deal. Interestingly, SU isn't being too much help to her either. He *really* despises Rebel's BF, while I loath him, so there is something we mostly agree on. Probably the only thing.


Lily on the Road said...

I wouldn't hold your breath while waiting for the repairs to be done. Sorry ;(

Good for you taking the stand with Rebel, you want to play grown up, then own up kiddo! After all, she is over 21....can't play the game both ways...

Good for you on taking the high road about FB too, no point in lowering yourself to his level.

MarieA said...

For now... I take the high road Lily... just for now.
That may change...

But you're probably right... holding money as hostage doesn't always work, but does seem to consume him.