Thursday, February 08, 2007


I'm planning on hosting a dinner party - business colleagues - all women - for guests from out of town that we work with regularly. I am a tad nervous, not because I lack skill or anything, but because I am worried about behavior of spouse and Rebel. I discussed this with the counsellor. She suggested I involve the Rebel as a server and general helper for the do. So I asked her and she was pleased to be asked. I did tell her I would pay her.
What the hell!
She wants to have her friend help too.
Again I say what the hell!

Now, as for the spouse, I just don't know what he'll be like. And that is the worry. There are still a number of small things that have not been completed for the renovations that just must be done if I am to have guests in the house. I have asked for these little things to get done, but I am not seeing any action. So, I will hire my favourite electrician, I'll hang the pictures myself (they'll be crooked... oh well!) and cook my dinner and see how it goes.

And this is yet one more thing I think about all the time. I LOVE cooking for friends. I LOVE having people around my dining room table - business or pleasure. The spouse's behavior on any level, does make me uncomfortable.

The counsellor says I should consider inviting him for the dinner, even though it is business and it is all women (so you know we'll stray!) I will take it under advisement and decide early next week. I would suspect he won't join us, but then, perhaps he might and I should be prepared for that too. I've been told I have to refrain from issuing orders on what and how things will proceed.

Let go control.
Let go control!

One of my business colleagues is also a friend. She has already told me that if things implode at the last minute she will bail me out - as long as I bring the food- she'll provide the booze!

Friends.... what would one do without them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your dinner party sounds nice. I agree with inviting him. As you said, he will most likely decline. I think its great that you asked Rebel to help and she has agreed. Every little step helps, sweetie.

You have let the Spouse know what needs doing. He is not. Ball's totally in your court then, IMHO. Hire whomever you need to in order to get the jobs done. When the guy drops the ball someone has to pick it up.

You are gonna be fine. Just breathe. And have fun at your party.

~ blondie