Monday, February 12, 2007

It is really going to happen.

More when I have time to write. In the meantime. This song was on the radio when I woke up Sunday morning. It's sad. It made me cry again. I know it's done. That doesn't make it any less real or painful.
I will get through this.

It just seems.... so ..... futile.

I am mostly all right though, okay. I am not going to slash my wrists or do anything too foolish. Might go a little nutbar on the spouse, but .... in spite of my mixed emotions about all of this... he deserves a little nutbar-ness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nutbar on the spouse is a great way to go. Just enough to keep him slightly off balance.


p.s. don't forget to breathe.

~ blondie