Sunday, June 24, 2007

A New State of Affairs

Hey SU!
Wake UP, It's a Whole NEW Ball Game!

We've had mostly a quiet weekend around here. Trying to get into a new state of affairs. The spousal unit is STILL planning his departure to visit his family out east. He'll be taking the TweenyRebel with him. This is good. It will keep her occupied. Might help change the aura in the house too. I am thinking of having my priest come and do some woo hoo stuff to get the house cleared of bad karma.

It's got to help.

I am still off work. I went to see my doc on Friday - I've started having small panic attacks and he gave me a prescription for ativan - very small amount for a emergency use only.... and I am to be reassessed in two weeks. I am using deep breathing techniques and meditations to get through them, and I know it's in my head... so I am working through this. Given all the crap going on here.. no small wonder.

Rebel is now going through some anger and denial stuff we think. She has a new guy in her life, and I am just not quite sure about him. He shakes hands like a girl, and he doesn't really talk to me. I don't like that in a lad. The Spouse hasn't even bothered being around to meet the guy. Up he goes to his hidey hole and his presence is not being felt. Rebel needs this presence whether she cares or not.

Dad needs to do his macho thing and ensures this lad knows that neither Rebel nor us are to be played with. He kept Rebel out far too late two nights in a row and does not seem to *get* her condition. No doubt Rebel isn't saying much even thought this lad did visit her in the hospital. And of course... she thinks I am *controlling* and *babying* her. Perhaps I am. The reality though is if she doesn't follow her new regime, she is going to land herself back in the hospital.

I am not going to get too worried or excited as yet. She "loves them & leaves them" with a great regularity. This one.... is a little different thought. He will bear watching.

I don't know if spouse has been told that I put separation matters on hold. AS IF I have time or inclination to deal with that right now. As I mentioned in the 13 this week, I did see a letter from his suit indicating what my intentions were a month ago.

It's a whole new ball game now, and things have changed. I hope he has some brains in his head to recognize this factor.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear that the house will be empty of the SU and the RebelTween for a bit. I think you should follow through and do a bit of cleaning and blessing. It can't hurt, right?

I know you are so worried about Rebel. My guess is that shes scared out of her mind and is in denial as much as she can be. Do the best you can sweetie. No one can ask for any more than that from you.

I am glad you went to see your doc about the panic attacks. Hopefully with the meds and the SU getting out for a time you they will be under control.

I am going to say that since the SU hides up in his dungeon {can a dungeon be above ground??} that he hasn't a clue that the ball game has changed. Not your problem really at this point.

Take care of yourself sweetie. You are all ever in my prayers.

love ya!

~ blondie

Rudy said...

Amen to what Blondie said.

Since the SU doesn't seem to be very supportive at the moment maybe the best thing is to give RebelTween a change of scenery.

Definitely go with the house blessing.

And do take care of yourself in all of this.
