Wednesday, June 13, 2007


As I said in my little comment to Blondie yesterday... what else???
I am off for another round of tests with the Rebel, and hanging around waiting for doctors today so we can figure out what the deal will be.

And the idiot who is the father of this child..... I will only give him half a point for calming he down sufficiently when I called him to say she had to go the hospital and for telling me what he knows about her medical condition. BUT! Did he go visit her? Did he even think to go say hello?

NOT at all.

I can't even BEGIN to think what might be in his head. How does a Dad not go , give his daughter a hug, tell her he loves her at the very least. Or see for himself that she is okay?? NOTHING. This time, I didn't even bother to mention it.

Saving it up. Saving it ALL up.

Last year, right around this time, when I had a fainting spell and ended up with a concussion at the hospital for observation, there was no spousal unit around at all. He dropped me off at the entrance of the hospital and went home. The doc asked me why he wasn't there. AS IF I would have a logical answer like, "he's in jail and couldn't come," or, "he's on African safari and isn't in the city" no.. no ... none of that. He just couldn't be bothered. And once again, different day, same story.

I don't get it.
Shame on him.


Anonymous said...

Its so not good but you can only control what yourself.

Give Miss Rebel lots of hugs from yourself. She knows the score sadly.

Be good to yourself too, sweets.

love ya,

Rudy said...

That type of behavior is just so foreign to me... I can't wrap my mind around it.

When daughter had her second car accident she knew to get a hold of Da because he was always there. We had to track her mother down - wasn't in class like she should have been.

Don't make excuses for him. Rebel won't buy it. Like Blondie says just give her extra hugs.

Take care of yourself too.

You are all in my prayers.

Calories and Coffee said...

You guys are in my prayers!