Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another small step.

The physiotherapist had Rebel stand up... twice today. She had jelly legs, but she did it. Her nurse, attacked her hair again, and got all the knots out. The nurses are all feeling better about her hair. She is off an oxygen mask and has those small nose tubes only. Even at that, she is only using a small amount of oxygen. I think she feeling a little anxiety about getting weaned off this.

Rebel had a tough time sleeping yesterday night A little bit of anxiety about breathing and sleeping at the same time. No surprise at all given everything else she has been through. I told her I couldn't sleep much either last night because I figured she'd be worried about sleeping.

her nurse gave Rebel some ativan this afternoon after her work outs so that she would nap. So I told her I would take my drugs tonight so I could sleep too.

My own doctor suggested I have some massage therapy which I did today. It was amazing how all the stress made it's way through my body and out. About half way through the massage I could *feel* things leaving my body and I started to cry. The massage therapist was good, and told me to keep crying until all the stress left my body. Man, I was exhausted by the time I left but I felt a whole lot better. She told me I was holding way too much inside and she had to really work to help me let it go. I was *ordered* to return next week. I have to say...I appreciate the health plan we have as government employees ( thank you union!) and that massage therapy is covered. And indeed I will return next week and enjoy I hope a little more the full treatment.

That plus one of the "church girls" (MY generation can NOT be "church ladies!") brought me lunch at the hospital and we had a good conversation. Also much appreciated.

Prayers are being heard.

Friends are being supportive.

What more could one ask for?


Rudy said...

Jelly legs is still good. very good.

I will have to try that massage therapy thing. I have heard wonders about it. It isn't like I don't have connections *rolls eyes*

In the mean time, I am trying something else for stress but I digress.....

I hope the meds help with the rest in addition to the massage.

Rest well.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful to hear that our girl is on her feet, albeit it a bit {read a lot} wobbly! Small steps indeed. I will pray specifically that she find a peaceful sleep tonight.

God is so good!

I am happy to hear that you had your massage. I pray that you will also sleep peacefully tonight.

love, hugs and always prayers,

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

How wonderful it is to hear that Rebel is progressing so well and so quickly.....she is so strong and determined, GREAT NEWS!

Also great is that you have had the chance to release some of the pent up anxiety and stress....keep it up, it is good therapy for you and the massage will clean out the toxins that have been bundled up within. I'm so glad you've finally had the chance to cry.....

Give Rebel a great big virtual hug from me please,

as always, much love, hugs and prayers,
