Another positive. The speech pathologist came by today to see how Rebel was swallowing. She was pleased with what she saw and Rebel was rewarded with ice chips. The smile on her face was amazing. You'd have thought she had had tasted the finest wine, the best of chocolate or the ultimate in gourmet treats. But it was ice chips. And when Rebel asked if a slushie was in the same league as ice chips... the speech pathologist, after a couple more tests, including swallowing some icy cold water and a couple of teaspoons of apple sauce, said. "sure - why not!"
Rebel crowned her Best Friend Forever! And soon enough a blue slushie made its way to Rebel's bedside courtesy of buddy of the BFF! Rebel loves this guy too. And for a young one... he's got a killer smile... but ears stick out... so the Mrs Robinson thing isn't firing.... but... wait... it's not about me is it? And once again Rebel closed her eyes as she took a mouthful of icy cold blue slushie and she savoured the taste and the moment.
She said the slushie was better than her first *legal* drink in a bar! For the American friends.. legal drinking age where we are is 19... across the river next door in the next province it's 18!
Rebel also spent an hour on physiotherapy today - and managed to sit up in a cardiac chair for a short period. She is working hard and it is showing in the positive steps she is making. We are marveling at the miracles of modern medicine, traditional prayers, uses of energies of the body and mind, and even the woo-hoo factor.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Wow, wonderful.....
As for the question of prayer, this is from Prevention magazine
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. was asked this Question:
Can prayer help people heal? (this is just a small paragraph.....I'll continue when I have more time)
"A well publicized 1999 study on intercessory prayer (prayer on behalf of others) found that heart patients who were preyed for daily for four weeks but didn't know it had 11% fewer complication than their peers"
Keep praying everyone!
oopppsss sorry for the above typo...
should be prayed for NOT preyed's early,I need my coffee.......
I could almost taste that blue slushie just reading about it. Makes me appreciate the simple things just a little bit more. Great news!
Sue P
YAY for blue slushies!
I am so proud of how hard our girl is obviously working. Give her hugs from me.
That sounds like an interesting article. I truly believe that those who have people storming heaven on their behalf have the advantage.
love to you all,
~ blondie
That is so wonderful!!!
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