Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thirteen on Thursday

13 things about long hospital stays in the ICU

  1. You get to know the nurses' shifts almost as well as they do.
  2. You anticipate Doctors rounds and feel like contributing to their discussions.
  3. You change sheets on beds the same way they do in the hospital.
  4. The cafeteria people ask you if you want *the usual* when you come in for morning snack.
  5. The Tim Horton's guy at the hospital location has your decaf medium hazelnut double shot ready before you get to the front of the line and order it.
  6. The volunteers all know who you are and ask about Rebel.
  7. Dry skin and rashes from being bed ridden are not nice.
  8. Using a real toilet is a serious accomplishment.
  9. Eating a hospital meal - alll of it - is a serious accomplishment.
  10. Visiting hours don't matter when you are family.
  11. Nurses will do anything to ensure a patient is comfortable.
  12. IT geeks are IT geeks everywhere and enforce policy whether or not it makes sense not understanding a 19 Yr old needs high speed access to her laptop.
  13. The entire team WANTS this kid to get better and are doing EVERYTHING to get her there. Short of the IT guy!


Anonymous said...

I am sure you know way more about long hospital stays than you ever thought possible. At least the coffee guy and the cafeteria people know what you like.

I am not surprised that the volunteers all know our girl and they ask about her. She is a wonderful young woman who has captured the attention of many. How wonderful that so many are pulling for her all over the world.

love and hugs,
~ blondie

Rudy said...

I am not surprised that everyone knows Rebel and is pulling for her.

Way cool! Coffee ready to go!

I AM that IT geek. Let me tell you "need" is relative. Everyone thinks their "need" is relatively urgent and should out rank all others. In reality most "needs" are relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things. LOL

It is like having one cookie in a classroom full of preschoolers. You can't give it to just one. :-D

This IT guy is pulling for Rebel's recovery and I am sure the other is as well.

Anonymous said...

We are all pulling for Rebel!

There are many at the hospital who are praying for her recovery, more than you know!

Have faith, God never gives up on us!
