Friday, April 11, 2008

Allaying Her Fears.

Rebel has had a few quiet days. I think now she's so aware of being isolated and stuck in her room that she gets concerned when things change with her body and her heart. The nurses take every thing she asks about very seriously - which is great as she does know herself very well.

The doctors do their best to allay her fears and concerns as well.

Every now and again though someone says something and it does set her off a bit. So with a visit or two with the hospital psychologist it was decided that a meeting with health care professionals, Rebel, the psychologist and who ever else is involved in her care will help Rebel deal with things that upset her, worry her, and even make her feel good.

Her machine was alarming a bit today when she was walking and this had her worried. The perfusionist and the doctor believe it's because her fluid levels are not high enough, she's not drinking enough to keep blood flow moving adequately. So... whatever goes out.... has to come back in. They put her back on a heart monitor just to check it out, but all her other "numbers" and charted things... are A-OK... so as long as she drinks a lot they believe she'll continue to be fine.

She also has a stationary bike in her room to help build strength. She was on it for a few minutes today and seemed to do all right. A little bit more every day will help her be strong for when she has her donor heart.

Not too much going on with the ennuie side of things. The SU has a whack of money in the bank and seems to be taking over the payment of the bills... a first! Ever! So as he keeps paying the bills I too am attempting to build up my stash and need to start an investment fund away and apart from the joint ones that are part of the ennuie. I am doing a leave with income averaging at work so I can take time off with partial salary when Rebel gets her heart. That way I won't need to burn through any more vacation or sick leave. So for the next year I am working at partial salary too. Should be fun!

I've got to hit up the SU to pay for the crappy hospital tv cable and telephone as well and also for whatever clothes RT wants now because of my short term diminished salary. In fact, I think he needs to pay for most everything these days. This is truly a turning point because for the past 25 years, I've always had to deal with the majority of the bills and finances. The mortgage was signed off again. I took a one year term this time. Probably not great, but I did some negotiation with the bank. She knows I am not going to leave at this point, til I have outright ownership and have to re negotiate the entire mortgage, but she also knows if she doesn't give me a rate I want, I WILL leave rather than considering this particular bank for a new mortgage when the time comes.

It's always about the negotiation isn't it.


Lily on the Road said...

Poor Rebel, the kid needs a diversion. It must just be awful to worry every single second in fear of your life. How sad and disturbing it must be to have your very life thrown in your face every moment of every day when she use to be so carefree and "immortal"...the poor kid....

Well good for the SU to step interesting is that?


The Banks work for YOU. Don't be afraid to "go fish". If they don't pony up, then find a bank that will.

I just tanked Scotia....eejitts...


Rudy said...

Ah, poor rebel. When is the meeting with the staff?

Distractions will surely help but unfortunately there will always be those quiet moments.

She has to look at those numbers and charts and believe what they say - that things are going well. Can she get copies? Heck, I still go back and look at the results of my angiogram from time to time. Worrying is such a bitch.

Extra prayers for her peace of mind and a speedy resolution.

{hugs} and +prayers+

Anonymous said...

The meeting went well. Her doctor was there as was the charge nurse the nursing coordinator, the transplant coordinator, her favourite perfusionist,the psychologist and us. She got her feelings out, she asked questions. It was good for her her doctor know how to talk to her. She's feeling better about this. And they are getting her into a routine.
So... for now it's okay. and that's good.

Rudy said...

very good news indeed.

Was there anymore talk about sending her home to wait?


Anonymous said...

Glad the meeting went well, the kid needs a break, maybe with the renewal of spring, there will be a renewal for Rebel...


Anonymous said...

She's staying put. Mostly because of the staph infection. It could be and is probably inside the device, ergo device must come out, ergo.. highest priority. That plus being on intravenous blood thinner rather than pills and anti biotic means it just makes sense to leave her where she is.

Rudy said...

that is good. I am sure she is more assured and confident being where the doctors are even if it is a bit on the boring side.

{hugs} and +prayers+