Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I went to see my counsellor today. I figured I had to do something to help me figure out how to get my life back on track. Things haven't changed at all with the SU, Rebel is going about her life as she chooses, Rebel Junior is also busy busy so I need to figure things out for myself.

With Rebel, I KNOW I can't control, manage or otherwise have a lot of input into her relationship with the BF. The counsellor suggested I strategize to be in charge rather than feel as if the BF is in charge. And in charge not as in control but be on top of things. So if the BF comes up in conversation my stance cannot include the words, should, must, would etc. But rather I need to state how I *feel* about it and to tell her that even though I may not be impressed or even very thrilled, I'll support her as best I feel I can. And somehow I will communicate this approach to the SU so he can try the same. I would like to spend more time with her- perhaps head down town to some cool place for lunch, a little shopping and leave the BF out of things. NO doubt he'll attempt to call her 20 times during any period they are apart- speaks to his insecurities, but I *will not* say anything to the girl.

Because we spent most of the time talking about these relationships and me bringing the C up to date on life *around* me, we didn't really talk about me. As she started to ask, the tears did start to flow a bit, but I wasn't ready for that conversation. So, I am gearing up for an intense session next week. A no mascara kind of hour I expect.

Have I mentioned I haven't had any real sex in about 5 years. I'm starting to really feel the *need* to do something about it! Even my dreams are edging on pornographic! I know so many women, who, even while separated go looking for sex with their EXs. I thought about this for a half a second and then smacked myself up the side of my head, took a cold shower and felt better - For Now!


Rudy said...

I know guys are supposed to just f*ck 'em and forget 'em but I am not wired that way. I had sex with the ex once when we were separated. It was nice and familiar but talk about conflicted and confused emotions the next day! It really was a setback to the whole distancing process. It was easier for her cuz she was the one that walked out so in her mind all that distancing was done before she left.

My advice is not to do it. It will really screw up the process if you'll pardon the pun. It is only possible for the ones that truly, mutually, decide that this just isn't working out for them and it was fun while it lasted. If you were the one who was shut out or left behind or are struggling in any way with emotional connectedness and distancing yourself from the former relationship it will be a morning after disaster.

As for the shopping trip with Rebel, sounds wonderful. A nice lunch date would do you both some good. Neither of you should bring up the BF for the first time out and just work on reinforcing commonalities.

I can relate to that itch M, really I can. Until recently I was a 5 yr born again virgin. You have to finish this off with the ex and find someone new.

{hugs} and +prayers+

Anonymous said...

thanks for the support and words of wisdom. BELIEVE ME! There is NO WAY I would go down that road again with the SU. For any number of reasons. First being - he does NOTHING for me. There's no good reason - not even the physical one so nope! Believe me I know it would be disastrous.

A friend of mine to this day doesn't have a legal separation from her SU. After he threw her and their kids out of *their* house, she kept hoping he'd come to his senses and re create their family. So she kept having sex with him Silly girl. These were nothing more than booty calls. Today, he is living with someone else, she still has no legal separation or money - and he's feeling pretty good about himself. She is devestated and gained a gazillion pounds while at it.

NONE of the above interests me. If I need a booty call, I'll figure something else out.

Good call coach! (-:
MUCH appreciated and hugs right back! (-:


Anonymous said...

I gotta agree. Sex with the SU under the current circumstances is just icky.

That is truly sad about your friend. She deserves so much more. He strings her along by continuing to come to her. bleh. Knee-capping is in order.

I love your new strategy for dealing with Rebel. I hope and pray that she will calm down and open up to you in time.

Are you squirming like your meez over there reading the erotica???

heh heh!

love ya.
~ b

Anonymous said...

Hi M,

I know that you are totally done with the SU, well, except for the grand final'E'. E for expulsion.

Erotic dreams are normal and part of menopause...sigh, sorry to bring that up!

Rebel is on her own path and at her age as much as you want to protect and advise, well, she is just going to make her own decisions. Like them or not. Her health cannot be held over her head, other than ponying up for some $$ towards the meds....yes really! Get a job, stay in school, do both, but she is now responsible for herself. No, don't challenge her to move out, but when she does the waffle, that is the time to suggest adult attitudes....can't have it both ways, which she is the queen of manipulating...

Oh, maybe Meez needs some Monistat! LOL....JK

anyway, we will get together soon, summer is here and the patio's are calling!!!
