Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thurdsay Thirteen

13 things thrown out to create a clean fridge!
  1. one rock- hard lime
  2. wilted and brown celery
  3. withered piece of ginger
  4. moldy drops of chip dip
  5. smidgen of barbecue sauce
  6. ancient pasta
  7. boiled and fried potato
  8. rancid cheddar
  9. a 1/3rd bottle of Sunny D
  10. sprouting garlic clove
  11. left over mushy Caesar salad ( just a little bit)
  12. 2 bottles of soups stock gone so bad I refused to open the jar and pitch so the jars went too.
  13. (okay that's cheating but 13 is 13 no matter how you get there!)


Rudy said...

good thing booze never goes bad!

Anonymous said...

well the red wine does go stale in my fridge I have to admit. I'm not big on red! LOL

Anonymous said...

I laughed when I saw the opened bottle of Sunny D. My fridge probably has one just like that in it. The kid drinks half and then puts it back for later. sigh. Later means when I come along and dump it and rinse the bottle for recycling.

Stale Red wine? A travesty!

~ b

Anonymous said...

Well you can still use the rock hard lime, withered ginger and the sprouting garlic!! I feel a stir fry coming on!! LMAO!!

I knew there'd be Caesar salad in there somewhere!! LOL...

Pass the red please, that's all I drink now....



Anonymous said...

nothing like stale stir fry along side wilted salad and a half washed down bottle of sunny D to finish things up.
Girls, I've got a stash of red wine that will happily share!
