Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday Thirteen.

13 things to do to get ready
for Rebel's Be-lated 20th Birthday Party
on Sunday!

1. Anti bacterial all over the house.
2. Make the Caesar salad dressing on Saturday.
3. Pick up all the cereals and secret ingredient for the Nuts & Bolts requested by Rebel.
4. Remind people to BYOL - Bring your own Lawn chair.
5. Hit up the SU for half the cost of the party.
6. Decorations.
7. Ensure the batteries are charged for the camera. All of them. Memory card is empty.
8. Hit up COSTCO for one of those sheet cakes with the custard filling.
9. Beer or no beer?
10. Pinot grigio for me.
11. Presents - what did she want? the Back Street Boys tickets? seriously!
12. Be nice or at least civil to the BF - or as my counsellor suggested - don't give him control.
13. Sit back, relax, watch the Rebel have a good time and thank God for the miracle of her life.


Rudy said...

go heavy with #13 - seriously!

you can be civil to BF. It is easier than being nice.

Parrrrrrrrrtaaaaaaaaayyyyyy woo hoo


Anonymous said...

WooT! Party Time!

What a blessing to be able to celebrate her birthday!

Have a fabulous time with your pinot and take lots of photos!

love and hugs to you all!

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

You're right Rudy. civil is good

Praying - absolutely required.

And Blondie, we WILL have a good time. (As she busily prepares Nuts & Bolts this evening!)

Anonymous said...

Great!! Have fun Happy Belated Birthday Rebel!!

Send a prayer to the rain gods to give it up, enough already!!!

Have a Great TIME!!


Anonymous said...

How's the party plans coming?

~ b

Anonymous said...

slaving away in the kitchen. Two batches of secret recipe nuts & Bolts,
Layered Tex Mex dip done, Skor Bar trifle next up and Killer Caesar Salad dressing after that and we should be near ready to go. OY! Groceries junk food gone up in price. I paid far too much for chicken wings. Way too much.

Rebel is quite excited

blondie said...

Can't wait to hear all about the party.

Hope you are all having a lot of fun!

love and hugs,
~ b

Lily on the Road said...


How did it go???