Friday, December 19, 2008

Peace and Trust Can Win the Day.

Rebel Junior had a dance show at school. She takes a dance class in high school and the show counts as their major exam. It's on for two evenings. It's pretty slick. The school has a very nice auditorium with an amazing sound system. The dancers all girls and one guy from grades 9-12. The tech crew for lights and sound? all girls! When did that happen! RJ was in four dances - She had really done some damage to one of her knees over the weekend while bowling and we weren't sure that she would be able to dance at all. I had wanted to see her on the first night but she didn't want us to come until the second night because they'd be warmed up she said.

Ok... that's what I did. But SU? noooo he went by himself rather than come with me and Rebel. I shake my head. But... am not surprised.

So Rebel and I went and brought along two of RJ's friends who go to another school.

The part that blew me away was during intermission the sound tech crew girls started blasting Led Zeppelin tunes through the auditorium - I don't know who was more surprised.. Me because the kids were all singing along to the Immigrant Song or the kids - because I was singing along with them much to the embarrassment of Rebel!

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day Rebel went into the hospital and started on her long ordeal. She's freaking out a bit. The weather is the same as last year. She was supposed to have attended RJ's dance show last year, but ended up doing something else with the BF. A few things that are similar that are making her a tad crazy.. but getting her through it will be something she can do on her own and something we can help her with. And she has a whole new life . We are going to have a few thanksgiving prayers at home this weekend and at church on Sunday. It truly is a wonderful life.

Thanks be to all above -
here on earth who helped make it happen.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a difference a year makes huh?

I can only imagine how spooked she must feel looking back on it all.

What a special Christmas this will be for her. New birth and all that.

{hugs} and +prayers+

Anonymous said...

You've had quiet a year my dear.

Maybe the girl is realising what family support and Christmas means this year...we can only hope.

Thanks for sharing...


blondie16 said...

I hope you are all having a peaceful weekend.

*hugs* to you all.
love ya,
~ b

Anonymous said...

Is that M, settling in for a long winter's nap?
