- No Wordless this past Wednesday.
- For some reason the wireless went bonkers yesterday and I wasn't about to spend hours on the phone with the IPS trying to figure out the what. I told RJ to do it, but she has this weird aversion to making phone calls to strangers in particular so nothing happened until she got the bright idea to hit the reset button on the router and that seemed to fix things. Who knew.
- So no mediation until May 11th unless the Mediator has a cancellation. At this point I'll even take time during the work day to get this done.
- SU, meanwhile, has been holed up in his lair post dental surgery - though I noted he managed to scarf down an entire box of those Juniors chocolate caramel thingies... i don't think they've been periodontically approved.
- I've been kind of coasting and feeling apathetic stilll and realize I need to get my taxes done - today's the deadline. I can't find my password anywhere for the UFile site so I will probably have to create a new one again... I can never keep track of this stuff so if someone has a brilliant idea do tell.
- Rebel and I attended a Fundraising breakfast for the Heart Institute. We were part of a video appeal for funds... it was good. We were the only women in the patient stories piece... the rest middle aged white guys ... Three hundred people being asked to start at $1000 commitments ... that was amazing as the cheque books and credit cards came out.
- The camera was waaaay too close - as I watched myself I decided I need a face lift and new lipstick colours... not necessarily in that order. Or better lighting - that might be less drastic.
- Lipstick colours though... need to change.
- Rebel Junior's birthday next week. She's got 20 friends going for dinner at a local joint and then I think they're ending up at our place for a bit. Not sure though. Since she got a camera AND asked her dad to let her get clothes online from Hollister, I am going to assume she is done for now.
- My dad has sent both girls cheques so she will get a few new things and I am on the hook for a cake of some sort.
- ho hum ho hum....
- will attempt something a little more scintillating next go around folks...
- thanks for reading!
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago