Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Highly Interesting.

Had the first email ever today - seriously - ever - from SU. It was addressed to the mediator. SU expressed his "surprise" at my cancellation of last week's session. He apologized. Why? Who knows. Regardless, he has agreed to a "third party meeting" to discuss "rules for RJ." And he put "RULES" in "QUOTES" WhatEv. So... I guess I will go ahead and set up a crack your head open session with a family counsellor to do just this. This should prove to be highly interesting. His last sentence was... as soon as possible and in a timely fashion. yeah yeah yeah.

I also found two empty scotch bottles in the garage hidden in paperbags.

Yeah.. that's subtle.


Anonymous said...

hey, at least he got it right on his first try.

the eejit that left me still sends emails that need a timely response to an address that I use to collect spam.

This in spite of the fact that I have never sent any to her from that address AND have repeatedly told her. techno-peasant!

At least you get a shot at setting some common grounds for dealing with RJ.

Two bottles in bags. LMAO (except it is sad really but still..) It is finally dawning on him that he is stepping into the deep end of the pool from the high board that RJ wanted him to build. He knows he can't afford to keep it up once he has to cover all living expenses on his own and he has no idea how to relate to her as a parent.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, exactly why are you setting up the meeting and not him, since he is the one who wants it and in a timely fashion??

Why exactly is he still there, it is now almost May and if I recall "party month"!!

I'm with Rudy (as usual), he has no idea how to relate as a parent.


MarieA said...

I'm the one who wants the meeting Lily - I believe he's just going along to keep up his "front" with the mediator.
I expect once I get him into the meeting and he has to discuss issues... he will run like scared rabbit.
ANd I will do it on Marie Time regardless of what he says...
he will have 30 days after the agreement is signed to get out of Dodge.

Anonymous said...

Then it is partayyyyyyy time at Marie's

woo hoo
