Monday, April 27, 2009

No Clues or Expectations Here.

I am kind of crabby today. Once again I had grand plans for the weekend and didn't accomplish much. I think instead of making grand plans I need to settle for getting one or two small things done so I feel that I've accomplished something. I must be in some weird state of apathy hovering and waiting. I didn't even cook a meal over the weekend. I have no clue what RJ ate all weekend.

SU yet again spent another day working at a colleague's house. The one who is newly separated. Meanwhile, one of my kitchen cupboards has fallen off it's hinge. I don't expect the SU to fix it.

This morning Rebel realized she had run out of one of her key meds. My credit card couldn't pay for a refill as I am waiting for a refund from the drug plan - I am not doing well with retiring the debt until I am back at full salary.

I asked SU to go pick up the meds and use his card. He was all freaked because he was going for dental surgery - in an hour. The drug store is five minutes from us. He tried hard to give me the glare. Didn't work. Meanwhile, Rebel is feeling bad because she forgot and he's making it seem like a conspiracy against him. No doubt he was a wreck because of the dental stuff however, I had no idea - and really - what was I to do? Rebel has never made this mistake before so glaring and acting like a major jackass wasn't playing well for me.

My Barracuda is convinced that SU will need to provde child support for some time for Rebel and I believe that this is true. he is not going to be happy about it but frankly - it's about time he contributed.

On a good note, Rebel was accepted to college - not university - but three year college and is quite pleased about getting on with her life. The BF blew off her big birthday celebration on Saturday evening. He keeps chipping away at things and will eventually do himself in I expect as Rebel tires of his immaturity.


Anonymous said...

Did the SU manage to get the needed meds? I hope so.

Most excellent that she has been accepted to college. I am happy to hear she is ready to get moving on her life. Fingers crossed that she does indeed see what a weight the BF is on her and will dump his ass. She deserves so much better than him.

Continue to keep your expectations at zero. No dissapointment that way.

Cake Mania 3? Do you have it?

love and hugs,
~ b

MarieA said...

oh indeed he did pick up the meds.
and was severely cranky about it.

Rebel was so upset she didn't thank him. I can see why.

Cake Mania 3 is available as an online game. I haven't seen a DS version. And now with the whole DSi version thing... AS IF I am giving up my DS for an upgrade... I am still struggling with Guitar Hero...
BUT CM there a bakery in the centre? I can't seem to get there. There has to be something in the middle? And I am a superstar baker too...

by putting the badge on my blog... I get $5 of the price. shameless and cheap am I!

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a need for you to upgrade to DSi. bigger better screens, camera, better wi-fi support. If these things aren't an issue for you.... no need. I don't know of any games yet that are DSi only and not playable on the DS.

SU shouldn't have wasted the time glaring and just taken care of his daughter. LOL you should have told him fine... give me your card and I will go get things she needs. Ha!

He is earning brownie points cuz he is going to need a place to stay and since he is leaving - he doesn't care if the cupboard doors fall off.

He most certainly should take care of his daughter! end of discussion.

He dissed her birthday? This won't go over well. Time for bf's true spots to show
