Friday, July 24, 2009

As the Worm Squirms.

Here's what the Barracuda told me yesterday in response to my question to her about XSU's behavior and demands.

Marie you are not being unreasonable at all. In fact, imho, you've been more than reasonable. once you have paid him and his house deal is closed, you own the house and you can change the locks if you want to. He has no right to continue to live there.

The agreement also says that you will reimburse him for Rebel Junior's expenses within one week of being requested to pay, but if he is in breach of part the agreement, it will be difficult for him to take any action to enforce another part of the agreement.

I expect his Shark will tell him to move out before he tries to enforce the payment of RJ's expenses.

And that's where it sits. XSU did not utter a word to me last night or this morning. Who knows what he plans. I still see no sign of boxes or move to move.

I heard from my family lawyer yesterday who only received the banking and financial documents on Thursday. She is really going to have to push it to get things done by next Tuesday. I told her not to sweat as this was not my problem. if XSU has to get short term bridge financing because the banks are slow - again - NOT my problem. I want to watch him squirm. It's about time he started to feel some kind of consequence for all his actions. The good thing is - it's all out of my control and I am sitting back and observing it all.

Stayed tuned.

No doubt there will be more on this one.


Anonymous said...

Excellent. I love your 'cuda. She always gets right back to you.

So you got the silent treatment. LOL! I don't suppose that is a bad thing for the most part. I am sure he is just fuming inside though. Hopefully he will do some packing this weekend.

Happy TGIF!
~ b

Anonymous said...

How can you tell if you are getting the silent treatment from someone who hides in a cave?

Since he isn't living up to his agreement to move out you don't have to pay him until a week after he moves out BUT what can you do about getting him to move out?

I still say that you should bill him for storage

for me, the bitch moved out as a way of telling me it was over. Later she said she wasn't coming back. I had some issues with what she took but she also left a ton behind. I suppose my daughter got tired of being the ferry but she was living with mom so... as long as you are headed that way... this shit ain't mine :-) Lately I just throw things out.
