Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday File

I have a significant birthday coming up. Along with that comes a whole of ..... issues. At first I thought I might be EEK! pregnant! Then quickly realized it would have to have been immaculate conception, and that's been done. And really.... I doubt I am the type for a second go-round.

It's hormones... TWEENY in reverse. I love being a woman most days... but these days... and with all else going on... including job hunting if you can believe it.... hormones are running amok! Have you done the test?

10 ways to know if you have estrogen issues

  1. Everyone around you has a serious attitude problem.
  2. You're adding chocolate chips - dark chocolate chips to your cheese omelette.
  3. The Dryer has shrunk every last pair of jeans that you own.
  4. The spousal unit is suddenly agreeable every time you say something.
  5. You're calling those 1-800 numbers every time you read a bumper stick that asks" "How's my driving?
  6. Everyone's head looks an invitation to batting practice.
  7. Everyone seems to look like an alien life form.
  8. You can't believe you can't get a tampon bigger than Super Plus except at the "Fantasy Adult Party Stores".
  9. You're sure everyone is scheming to drive you round the bend into whacko-land.
  10. The bottle of ADVIL you bought yesterday is empty today.


Anonymous said...

Love the List, girl.
Funny in an hormonal kinda way.

~ blondie

Annie said...

Speaking of hormones....I'm out. Hope they arrive soon!!! lol...and if you search, you'll find "Ultra" tampons in the O.B. line.dc

Anonymous said...

Hey Girls...

I notice the mene we know who monitor the blog have stayed away from this one. Probably a good idea! LOL

Annie, even Ultra would not do...

got MORE hormones to deal with that problem. It is no more... for now.

I need the hormone that deals with the whole sex thing.. I want it and there ain't anyone worth sharing it with.... I am tired of ... well... never mind... that's a blog for another day... LOL