Again! It happened. The hard drive on the latest new computer has crashed and burned. Seriously burned. Like nothing left. I am at the public library (again) catching up on my emails and stuff.
so... what goes through your head?
1. Turn the damn thing on anyway and let's just double check. Great! Another chip just got fried!
2. Take the digital camera - just purchased - and just put it away somewhere. AS IF you'll use it this year now!
3. Back ups?
4. RE-learn how to use the long distance function on the telephone.
5. Telephone book? What'a a telephone book?
6.Try and remember where they sell stamps. No e-Easter Greetings this year!
7. Easter on Good luck with that.
8. Daily treks to the library to use computers - ... um... no I do NOT have a reservation for a computer... I can go online to reserve? CLOSED???? Good Friday, Easter Sunday AND MONDAY!!!!!! argh... self bangs head against keyboard.
9.Go into new ennuie as the spousal unit attempts to repair rather than write a cheque!
10. Help Rebel and Tweeney deal with the stress of no Facebook, Myspace or IM! Girls, let's bite the ears off as many chocolate bunnies as we can. I have about 20 right here.
11. Start shopping for my own laptop with warranty and cute young nerd who comes to the house to fix it. ( wink wink!)
12. Create a wireless home network and buy one extra computer for back up!
13. Crack open the bottle of Dalwhinnie purcahse duty free on the way back from Baltimore, sip twice and go into back up denial!
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
GET A DELL! {yes, I know it rhymes with Hell but I am coming to you live via a Dell. It has served me Well for 1.5 years thus far.}
Imagine my surprise when I came to do some work on your blog to see that you had posted! giggle
The boy's comp took a dive two days ago. WHAT is in the electrons? The new processor will arrive today. He and I will do the swap early next week.
Happy Easter, Doll!
love ya,
~ blondie
Oh no!!! Did you back stuff up?
And how'd you punish the tweeny?
Hey Blondie... yeah... A dell for me and whatever for the rest of them
No back ups... OF COURSE no back ups Aleks! Rebel is freaking over lost photos....
Tweeny... grounded for the rest of the last weekend. I wanted her straight home from school everyday, no access to telephone for a week or so, but was over ridden by the spousal unit who I deem to be far too lenient. He thinks if he punishes his children they will hate him the way he hates his father. His father is a jackass. Spouse has that potential, but does not take discipline seriously... at all.
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