Rebel had her nurse call me yesterday and wanted me to come to the hospital earlier than I've been getting there. Her nurse said she's been weepy. I got there and she was sleeping. She had had a little fever overnight - they couldn't find a reason. Her"numbers" on the VAD were a little higher and they were checking out the options. She was given a blood transfusion - her hemoglobin was a little low and that seemed to have helped. Rebel said she needed a mom day.
We were having a bit of a wind and snow fall yesterday so traffic was so slow. It took me over an hour to get to the hospital. That was frustrating. By the time I got there and she was having a nap so that was good. The food wasn't too bad yesterday either but even eating seems to take a lot of energy. She did a little physio too. Getting up... taking a few steps to a chair to sit up. So this was good for her.
SU has been doing things like arranging visits with her friends without letting me know. I had a word and suggested that he needs to COMMUNICATE these things with me to make sure we didn't overload her. I got one of his "what's your problem" looks." I have learned to *explain as if to a kid* and reminded him that she is *our* daughter, *we* need to keep each other informed... blah blah... Right now Rebel needs to be told in advance before she has a visit because she gets all emotional and weepy. It helps her to know in advance who is coming.
On the other hand, Rebel told me that her father has told her loves her. She says she *makes* him say it. This is a breakthrough as is this a father who really is not demonstrative nor very warm with his girls. I don't remember the last time he told them he loved them, or even gave them hugs. ( that's a whole other post) It nearly broke my heart when she told me, "I think dad really does love me, but for some reason he has a hard time saying it. I'm working on it with him."
It shouldn't have taken THIS to get him to that point.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Our poor darling girl. I hope she had a restful night last night and her spirits are higher today.
No, It shouldn't have taken this for him to find a way to communicate with his daughters. That being said, at least he is now attempting to do so.
love, hugs and always prayers,
~ blondie
I hope that the Rebel fights this next battle and that she got a good night sleep too!
Sometimes when it is TOO close to home, we have a had time expressing our verbal Love You's...I know I can tell my most dearest of friends I love them and mean it from the bottom of my heart, but when it comes to telling my Dad I love him, it is sometime VERY hard to do....dregs up the past maybe....and I do love my Dad....
Good on SU for telling Rebel he loves her, even though it had to be dragged out of him....practice makes perfect, maybe the next I love you will be easier for him to say............
Visits from friends can be a good thing. Variety to the day, stimulation and just plain fun. This is clearly a case where there can be too much of a good thing though. The stimulation from visits from friends needs to be balanced with the need for rest and recuperation. SU needs to coordinate and quit living in his own little world concerning Rebel.
I have no problem with "love you"s with my kids and friends and my mom. It freaks dad out though so I don't. He comes from a different generation. The one where male children stop getting hugs and kisses at a certain age. I have no doubt that he loves and cares for me and he knows that is true for me as well but daily expression.... not so much.
Good for Rebel for working with her father on this.
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