Rebel had a little more bleeding yesterday. It was described as "ooziness." They had to go into her chest wall again and deal with it. The doctors say it will ease up. But it takes time. Rebel still has some infection because of the surgeries and all the IVs but it is being treated with antibiotics.
They would like to remove her breathing tube to prevent any kind of permanent damage in her air passage. To do that she still has to eliminate fluid that is in her body. They are working on that. Too much fluid could end up in her lungs and that is to be avoided. So many things...
each one depending on something else. If she still needs breathing help they will probably consider a tracheostomy which they say will be far more comfortable than the tube in her mouth and down her throat. That and waiting for her kidneys to come back online. sigh... It is all a fine balance to get stable and improve slowly slowly.
In the meantime,Rebel writes notes. "Blue slushie" - she loves them... "who is out there?" when SU went to pick up some cards left for us by several friends and colleagues at work. The boyfriend is a regular and she manages to write a lot of notes with him and even play a bit of Xs & Os.
The head of the ICU, told us we should now be spending more time with Rebel since she is awake more. I expect I'll be going in late morning and staying most of the afternoon and then SU and or the BF will take over. We'll probably read books to her. One of her nurses suggested we bring some pictures in so I am taking along a couple of pages that she did scrap booking - of her friends and herself. Then there is all the Tinkerbell stuff we can bring in too.

That should help cheer her up too I hope.
It sounds like slow and steady progress but I can't begin to imagine being in your shoes. All my thoughts and prayers to you and yours :)
Good morning, one last peek in to see how Rebel is doing, please let her know that I've got the picture of Tinkerbell packed and ready to run.....
Much love to all,
Hang in there M, I'll be thinking of you and the Rebel...
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