Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Small small gains.

SU visited New Year's Day and I took the Rebel's BF with me around supper time yesterday too. The nurse today told me she had a good night the last night and a comfortable day. She was quite responsive under all the sedation. She wriggled a bit - or so it seemed to me when she heard the BF's voice. They are glad to see the responses from her even if she won't remember this down the road.

The bleeding seems to have subsided. The meds were stable today, more fluid is coming off her, and all seemed tranquil. It's a positive way to start the year.

It's still hour by hour, day by day. I think they'd like to see this kind of stability continue.

I can sleep a little easier tonight.

The nurses asked us to bring her hairbrush, which I brought along. They want to keep her hair looking decent. She'll be glad of that. I know for a fact when she wakes up, it's the eyebrows that will make her crazy. She loves her tweaked perfect brows and an extra hair where it doesn't belong well... OY!

The nurses were taking bets as to whether or not the Boyfriend would fall apart seeing Rebel surrounded by all the machines. Apparently it happens. They were pleasantly surprised that he coped all right. They will let him come visit now for short periods when the SU and I are not there. She certainly recognized his voice.


Anonymous said...

M, great news about Rebel! I'm so glad that she is fighting and fighting to win! What a great gal...

Many, many prayers are being sent and I'm just know that everyone will be glad to hear of the improvement! Wonderful news too about BF, good for him, he's got the stones!!!!

As for extra hair, hey, just tell her she was on a European holiday (well, I do know that is a silly statement, but not everyone is bare of hair!!), even young ladies, that are older, that were in the hot tub with us on New Year's Eve....

I hear it's the "in" thing.....

Please send her my love and a big hug to you too!

much love,

Rudy said...

The stability must be a nice reprieve. I am glad that the surgery was a success and the bleeding is back under control.

I love how the nurses are tending to her hair. That is so sweet.

I can imagine that not only bf/gf freak out but even family members. It is good that bf did well and R responded positively to his presence. He can help in her recovery as well as family.

{hugs} and prayers

Anonymous said...

I love how the nurses are taking care of her. It is so sweet. Thank them for me.

I hope you had the energy to do that little bit of pampering today and I pray that you are indeed sleeping a little easier tonight, girlfriend.

love, hugs and prayers.
~ blondie