Saturday, January 12, 2008

Status Quo.

I walked into Rebel's room and there she was watching tv. The nurses got a tv in there cable and all. We watched Beauty and the Geeks. I'd never watched this before. It looked like we were watching the first episode. SU went to visit when I got back. He said the remote didn't work, so he is going to get a universal remote because it's hard for Rebel to change the channels from bed. It is helping relieve the boredom for her even in her pretty weak state.

She wrote me a note. "when can I go home?" That was a tough one. Broke my heart nearly. But I managed to give her a decent answer I hope. Then it was "They won't even give me water or ice chips." So I asked her, with that breathing tube in your mouth, what do you think? And I got the "talk to the hand " response along with rolling eyes. She knows, but her mouth is quite dry and she finds ice chips help. However with the tubes the docs and nurses are afraid she could aspirate the water or chips and it could be difficult. I see some feistiness! I want her to keep that up! Her nurse today told me that she is a great patient, that she is coping with the tubes very well... better than most people she sees. I told her I was proud of how she was handling things, even if she couldn't get ice chips yet.

All was status quo today. They have decided to take a little more fluid off so that is good. The physiotherapist was in again helping her move her arms and legs. It looks like the chest is healing, and there is less blood seeping through.

On the weekends it's pretty quiet around the CSICU. So we hope it stays this way.

During one of the first snow falls we had - one of those big ones,Rebel and the BF went to the local 7-11 type store called Macs for Blue Slushies. Rebel realized after she got home that she must have somehow dropped her wallet in the snow. There was so much snow that evening that even though the BF went looking for it, it was buried! She had about $60 in there for some Christmas shopping, her gov't health card, and all her ID and cards. It was a beautiful leather wallet that she bought with one of her first paychecks. She was so upset.

Well, the snow has practically disappeared and didn't some very nice woman find the wallet today at the Macs. She called us and SU went and picked it up. Everything was intact. Everything! The SU gave the woman a gift certificate for Second Cup to thank her. Rebel was so happy! The wallet is a bit sodden to say the least, but we're drying it and I'll find some kind of leather conditioner for it so it doesn't go all wonky. She was a happy girl when she heard this news.


Anonymous said...

Awesome that her wallet has been found and everything is still inside. Just fabulous. I bet she was indeed the happy girl when she was told it had been found.

It is encouraging to hear that she is feisty and so alert. Keep challenging her so that she has to keep it up. Gotta love that girl and her "talk to the hand" and eye rolling.

Good to hear that there is less seepage and that her chest is healing. I am glad that she is getting some physio. It all works towards her healing.

I watched Beauty and the Geeks the other day for the first time too. I had no idea what was going on but thought that overall it was a pretty cute show.

Give our Rebel my love.

love, hugs and prayers,
~ blondie

Calories and Coffee said...

I'm so glad things keep improving and that is awesome about the wallet!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marie. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of your daughter and you.


Annie said...

Blondie said everything I was thinking. I'm still praying for all of you!