The other chest tubes came out today. And so did the feeding tube. Rebel was thrilled. Though the hospital food she is on now is less than delicious looking. Everything is either pureed or minced. Nothing liked pureed green beans. Why not broccoli, or carrots or sweet potato... vegetables that actually puree all right. Green beans... not so much. The nutritionist came by and told Rebel they'd send a dietitian in to see her to help choose some menus. She can also order up "food by mom" as long as I follow their requirements. I believe this will help.
That plus two sessions of physiotherapy today and yesterday and Rebel had a pretty busy day.
The doctors conferred and things seem to be improving daily.Rebel hates when they do their rounds because they stand in front of her room and talk about her... her charts, what went on since last set of rounds. Today she got feisty and tried to holler out to them, "please share with the rest of the class!" I had to roll my eyes. Understandable patients don't like being talked about. Her lead doctor did come in afterwards and let her know what the next couple of days would be like and what they hoped for her as she improved. it helped the anxiety levels come down substantially.
We were given the manual and how to guide for her VAD/Thoratec device. - how to take care of the batteries, how to trouble shoot it, and a whole lot more. This is a little daunting. However it is a step in the right direction.
Saturday evening, Rebel asked the BF what the hell happened to her because she really didn't understand why all the nurses were so excited every time she did something that was an improvement. So he told her the whole story. She doesn't even remember having her wisdom teeth extracted. The only thing she remembers is the first shock from her defibrillator and waking up with a scream. Anything after and before that is wiped out. She told me the next day she was overwhelmed. She's crying some too which is good - the emotional release is helpful. She hates crying though. I told her if she cries I'll try not to so that there is only one person crying at a time. And for me, who cries for happy, sad or scary, that's a big deal! That got a smile.
We watched Star Dust this afternoon. What a good movie. Right up there with The Princess Bride. I'm trying to convince her to watch Top Gun (one of my all time favourites!) with me, but she's rolling her eyes.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Step by step.
There is most definately power in prayer. We continue to lift our girl up in prayer as well as her caregivers and of course you and the teen and SU.
As far as cream of asparagus....bleh. mushy green beans. ew. ew. ew. That's just mean.
~ blondie
don't be ragging on the cream of asparagus :-P LOL
yeah, I vote for squash over green beans as well.
I am very happy to see things moving in mostly positive steps. Praise God.
I am surprised blondie didn't comment on the Princess Bride though LOL
Awesome news.....
The miracle of modern technology!
Thanks to the scientists, Doctors', Nurses'and all care givers for never giving up, taking risks, keeping on brave faces and healing with positive energy! And a lot of tubes, wires and batteries......
Don't know how much Rebel wants to laugh, but I always get a charge out of "True Lies"....or my personal favourites, any of the ....SHREK movies....
Glad to hear all the good news!!
I do not like that Princess Bride movie. I don't like it so much that I gave my copy to Rudy a while back.
I have always been interested in Stardust though so I will have to give that one a try. {Rudy, do you own this movie?}
I do love me some Shrek, though. Shrek is always good for an uplift in spirits.
love and hugs,
~ b
Shrek Rules!! really, really
I love True Lies. It is hilarious.
I don't own Stardust but I have heard very good things about it.
My cousin's gf and I (when I was a teen) read a Mad Magazine to my cousin when he got home from having his appendix out. It hurt to laugh, we were so cruel.
"Please share with the rest of the class!"...that's hysterical. Good for her, she has spunk!
Sue P
you DON'T like Princess Bride, Blondie?? does this mean we';re no longer compatible? hee hee hee
That movie cracks me up every single time I watch it.
Stardust has its crack up moments too. Robert De Niro is hysterical. It's a great little fairy tale.
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