Saturday, January 19, 2008

Two down - Three to go!

Two of five chest tubes were removed today. "The numbers" showed that they were not draining any longer and it was time they came out. This was a pretty quick procedure... but it kind of freaked out our Rebel. Now that she is wide awake and firing on most cylinders her fear of pain is kicking in. The nurses reassured her... no worries... we take these out.. we don't let the doctors near you. And three of them were around to get two tubes out. She was fine afterwards. The pain medication probably helped.

Rebel is continuing on physiotherapy twice daily during the week. It pretty much exhausts her every time, but she manages to get done the work that they need her to do. Even sitting in the cardiac chair for longer periods of time shows how strong she is getting.. Thirty five minutes in a chair and we're pretty happy.

A couple more firsts yesterday and today. First glass of milk today. More smiles. A popsicle and even soup. It was cream of asparagus and not well received. Rebel is getting her nutrition through a feeding tube still so she isn't really hungry nor has much of an appetite. They want her to be getting all her vitamins and minerals so feeding tube it is, yet they want her eating real food and need to balance that. So the thought is to only use the feeding tube at night to supplement what Larissa doesn't eat during the day.

We watched Superbad today. A gift from the next door neighbour. Oy! She was laughing which was wonderful to see. I now remember where most men get their dorkiness. Yet at the same time, it was kind of a sweet movie too. For boys this age to be able to express themselves and tell their best buddy "I love you" is pretty important. This must make a difference for men as they grow up. I mean my best girl friends and I are pretty much on this page and always have been, but boys and men... must be a different story especially if it's always been about girls, sex, beer sex ...

Did I mention SU is going out to a bar tonight because one of his young friends has a gig? sigh... I like the guy- he sings his own songs and all, AND he does call us regularly to ask about Rebel, but really, does SU think it's okay to be going out?

Maybe it's just me.


Rudy said...

yay Yay YAY!!!

SU - gah. I know everyone needs to get a break from the stress but I don't think I would be able to party. It is not just you.

I have yet to see Superbad although a copy is in the house :-) My niece recommended it because it was stupid funny.

Anonymous said...

In the end... the SU didn't go out. Must have been subliminally sending him messages or something. I was to have picked up the RT at a friend's and was really tired. So he said he'd go instead. Took RT and her friend to the 24 hour grocery ( there is only one here) and they got some stuff for munching and watching movies.

Anonymous said...

Oh M,

I'm so glad to hear the great news about our Rebel...35 minutes sitting in a chair wears ME out, so good on her!!!

Cream of asparagus soup? OY, I mean it's something I'd eat and I'm pretty much of a granola....but, it is jammed with nutrients...

This may be one of the only times I defend SU, he needs an out, to kick back as he bottles so much inside, going out may have done him good...if he had a contact number with him. Glad to hear he took on some parental responsibilities and picked up the RT. Munchies and a movie sound great. Sounds as though he is finally understanding the severity of what is going on and is trying to pull the FU, (as in Family Unit) together.....'nuf said.

You all have been through so much, I am truly amazed at your strength....

I'm just home from the Richmond Road Race and ALL of my running friends continually ask for Rebel updates, today's news was greeted with cheers and a toast....many people you don't know are involved and all are praying and wishing the Rebel a wonderful speedy recovery.....

Take great care of yourself, give Rebel a virtual hug and say a big hi to RT for me please....

Much love and hugs,

Rudy said...

I like cream of asparagus soup
