and Friends.
Today is a follow up appointment for Rebel. She told me that her BF is taking her. WhatEvEr. So I am not going to go in spite of my need to be there to see how things are going. Given that she is considered "an adult" I don't have to be there and the hospital doesn't have to tell me anything either. I do know that she will have a lecture from the doc about not keeping on track with her physio appointments. And the BF will be blasted as well. It's best I not be there for a change. The girl and I had another round about BF's attitude. They both keep trying to blame me and SU for BF's behaviour about not being *comfortable* in our home. I bit down on my tongue and quietly told her my perspective - It's OUR house, you are OUR daughter, and it's up to BF to impress us. WE don't have to do anything to impress him. If he chooses to ignore US in OUR home, that says more about HIS behaviour and attitude than it does about US. If he EVER expects US to think differently, then it is up to HIM to ACT differently rather than acting like a petulant child. Rebel then told me she didn't want to discuss him any longer. I shut up and didn't say anything else.
Now that she is done with the antibiotics and doesn't have a home care nurse to see at our home daily, I don't expect to see much of her. I've decided to report the BF to the health dept because he is using a health card for one province while he lives in another province. This is illegal behaviour. The daughter has to understand the implications of this deceptive behaviour and the consequences for it. She won't ever know it's me - unless she reads this blog and don't believes she knows it's here.
SU is freaking out over my fridge changes telling me "it doesn't work." I told him I spent more than a few hours cleaning and organizing, and if he didn't like it - he was welcome to revise. I am done! My money is on the fact that he will. Good for him. I really don't care, but I am not spending another hour of my time playing in the fridge when I'd rather play at other things!
And RJ - Rebel Junior is having some friends sleep over tomorrow evening. One of her friend's moms doesn't want the kids in her house. Silly mother - so I said OF COURSE they can all sleep over here. What mother wouldn't want her kid in the house with her friends? I don't get that at all.
It's expected to be rainy, hot and humid weekend. The A/ C is firing on all cylinders!
Oh... and I've started a walking programme with a friend. Me for stress relief and she to lose 50 pounds! I will take a leaf from Lily's blog and take my camera once in awhile to show off the beautiful trails we walk along. I did 6000 steps yesterday. I haven't figure out how to convert that to kilometers on my fancy schmancy pedometer yet.
Happy Friday Friends!
Well, good for you on all accounts. Rebel, what can I say ... on the blog.... mmmmmm
SU, what can I say on the blog....mmmmm
RT, well, at least she is at home dealing with an unfamiliar Fridge..hahahah,
M, I am soooo glad you are walking and would love to walk with you at some point as long as there is a BEvERage at the end....mmm do I hear a sleep over coming on????
Consider 10,000 steps equates to approximately 5 miles. Now I'm going to get all technical on you...
"mile (the word) derives from the Latin word for thousand" because it was the distance an average Roman soldier covered while walking a 1,000 paces. A pace is two steps, one with each foot, so the average person 2,000 steps is a mile.
And you thought I didn't know trivia! Bwwaaaahahaaaaaa
Trivia is latin for who gives a feck LMAO
That is interesting stuff. I thought a pace was one step. Hmmm. I wonder how tall those roman soldiers were and what the average pace was.
SU - so shut up and rearrange. Who's problem is it anyway? his. of course, I can't see him finding anything faster in a fridge that needed cleaning but whatev.
I agree about having the kids over. When you can see them, you know where they are.
Good for you for turning in insurance fraud. She may blame you anyway cuz you hate him.
When in Rome.... BF needs to shape up when he visits. Geez I expected more of my kids when they were teenagers.
A friend's D-I-L lost 50 pounds in just under a year using one of those walking videos that she used in her own living room. I hope your friend has great success.
I need to start walking......
Good. You should report the slacker. He needs to follow the laws just like everyone else. And Miss Rebel needs to see the lesson as well I think.
Sigh. I am glad she is feeling so well but I am a bit disappointed in her behaviour. {and by a bit I mean a lot.} Kinda makes me wanna visit and have a little talk with her.
I find that to be seriously funny that SU is flipping out about the fridge. Seriously. I am sure he had to hunt for things before the restructure so WHAT is the problem other than control. I believe that is the root of the problem. More power to him if he wants to completely rearrange. I would go open the door for him to help him out a bit. heh!
I don't get a parent not wanting to know what their teens are up to. My house is always open to any of the kids friends. If they are here it makes it so much easier to spy on them. LOL!
Wonderful that you are walking. I may take up walking again soon.
Have a great weekend, girlfriend.
~ b
10K= 5 miles... good stuff Lily! thanks. I could easily do 5 miles but the friend I am with is carrying extra weight and she starts to huff so I am holding back for a bit until she drops weight and gains more strength and energy. We have good chats.
As for the BF... roll eyes. I have an appointment with the counsellor end of next week - I need perspective and don't needs these Keeds to keel me 9 reference Haitian Mama! LOL
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