Tuesday, June 24, 2008

If truth be told.

I did NOTHING on Monday.
Nothing at all.
Well except for a quick trip into work for a bit of a job interview and then back home.

The Rebel's party went well. She had a great time with her friends. Too many of them are smokers and a few of them drink far too much . They were here for her though and that was the main thing. It was still surprising to me though how many of her so called close friends didn't come. These girls have issues - stupid issues and I found their excuses rather selfish in the end. I frankly think they all need some serious therapy time to get over what ever it is that is bothering them. As it was she had a good time and didn't seem too upset when certain girls didn't show up. I think she's well aware of their problems - such as they are.

Rebel Junior stuck around and her best friend came over. She seemed to enjoy herself as well. Rebel's friends are pretty stunned at how the RJ has *grown up.*

SU - did nothing to help. I didn't expect him to. I asked him to please pick up the birthday cake - which he did - whining about the $28 price tag as he put it on the table. Insert eye roll here. He then proceeded to go out to one of his young friends' house instead of sticking around for the evening. WHO does that? He usually plays hockey on Sunday - but didn't do that either. Some party I guess. And too bad for him.

One of the main local television stations has been following Rebel since the Heart Institute Telethon. One of their reporters knew about the birthday party that was two months post transplant. They came and did a story on Rebel which appeared on the late local news and again the next morning. I was interviewed along with Rebel and unfortunately they had the BF interviewed because she talked about her engagement. If I had known I might have been able to get them NOT to mention it, but I didn't realize she was going there. UGH! Probably better to not try and manipulate that stuff. It was all a good story except for the engaged part.

I have a new DS game. Cake Mania. If truth be told, I did nothing yesterday because I was baking cakes all day.


blondie said...

So not surprised to read about SU and his lack of involvement. At least he is consistent, yes?

Sad that some of her friends couldn't be bothered. I guess she is learning who her real friends are.

I am happy to hear that she had a great time in spite of the no shows and her uninvolved father.

Cake Mania?!? I looked at that game yesterday when I was in Best Buy. Is it really fun? I may have to go back and pick it up.

~ b

Anonymous said...

Cake Mania is probably as addictive if not more than Diner Dash - and THAT one is pretty stupidly addictive. I think I managed to get RSI playing that silly cake game yesterday. I am a lousy baker in real life - not very good at it -

Cake Mania is fun. Go to the online version and try that first. That's what I did and then I went out and bought it. There is a cake mania 2 too!


Anonymous said...

Hey I know I left a comment here,

Oh well, I suppose it was meant to be "unpublished". It wasn't all bad, honest!!


Anonymous said...

damn Blogger! eh Lily!

Calories and Coffee said...

I'm so glad she had a good time!!

Rudy said...

Gah! interviewing BF. Doesn't that have people going WTFo! Young gal like that....

I am glad you found a new game for the DS. You should check out Word Jong as well. I think that has captivated everyone but blondie's young man. She knows where to try it online first.