Monday, June 09, 2008

What is that about?

It's been a quiet weekend. I haven't seen Rebel since she left the house on Friday for her doctor's appointment. No phone calls either. Nothing as she plays house with the BF. We did have to reach her as RJ was looking for the Play Station2 - something that is shared between both girls.. Turns out Rebel took it with her to the BF's apartment. The SU was fit to be tied. She said they needed it to watch a movie.
You have your computer I told her.
The screen isn't big enough.
I told her to get a DVD player and to please return the PS2 to the house asap as RJ was having a bunch of girls over and they wanted to do the Dance Dance Revolution. She suggested we come and pick it up where she was. I said GREAT Hang on I'll put your dad on the phone he is ready to head out there now. The thing is she doesn't want us anywhere near her BF's family on the other side of the river and we called her bluff. She had no argument. In the end, though she told us we'd get a PS2 to the house. The BF called his best buddy who lent us HIS PS2.
What is that about?
I told him he shouldn't have done this and to take it up with his buddy, because now that I had his - he wouldn't get it back until ours was back in our basement where it belonged. He looked a little taken aback but no doubt he's beyond a PS2 and is into whatever the latest next thing is.

I still have a sore throat and a cough. I did see the doc on Friday who took a throat swab to make sure I didn't have a strep throat. She warned me that the cough and sore throat combo was popular this year and it did take some time to disappear. Great!

I have been walking every day so far. We are still on our 4 mile walk and seem to do it in about an hour as we vent over the day. The highlight is going by the fire station and catching the men as they wash the trucks or are firing up their barbecue. I swoon as I walk! I may have to take up some serious flirt action one of these days. No photos yet of the lads at the fire station, I will keep trying for appropriate action shots! Though this is taken on the path where we walk just BEHIND the fire station!

I wonder what my Meez over there on the side bar is reading. She keeps moving around that coach as if she is uncomfortable.... or something.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, I was looking for a bear or something in the picture!

Meez is uncomfortable, she is waiting for HER PS2 to return BY RT....gah, you could go pick it up??

oh and how the OHIP thingy going???


Anonymous said...

What IS your meez doing? ;-)

I am glad that you get to glimpse the attractive firemen. Trust me. They are not all that way. You would probably throw up a little in your mouth to see most of them around here. {my X included. heh!} Buff....Not so much. Dunlap disease is more likely what you will see.

GAH! Rebel is back to where she was when she and her little girlfriend decided to go make it on their own in another city. Bleh. Someone smack that child.

Seriously though, I am praying for her protection and for something or someone find a way to impress upon her the true gift of life she was so graciously and miraculously given and that she should be using her gift for good and not whatever the hell it is she IS using it for.

I love ya, girlfriend.
~ b

Rudy said...

Your meez is reading erotica and has an itch that she wants to scratch. :-D

There girls both have their own PS2 now. Didn't that work out swell?

I am still praying for Rebel. Hopefully she recognizes that someone BF's age should not be living with mommy if it isn't a temporary crisis.

Good luck landing your hunk.


Anonymous said...

Oh Rudy, you made me LOL...erotica...bwaaahhHHHHAaaaaaaa

Crack me up (oh sorry!!) ;^X



Rudy said...



oh 'scuse me - Romance novel

hee hee hee

Anonymous said...

romance? erotica? call it what it is... bodice ripping, heated, lusty leave nothing to the imagination hot stuff... ( not quite porn- a MEEZ would NEVER get into porn!) lol

this blog is going to the dogs!

Rudy said...

Hey, it is your meez squirming on the sofa LOL

is she doing a crossword and waiting to go to the bathroom until she finishes 69 down?

heh heh heh

wwooOOOOOoooo <- malamute speak

Anonymous said...

you are an incorrigible Rudy! Absolutely put the RUDE in Rudy!