Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
en·nui Old French annoyance;weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM spousal boredom, annoyance I'm a wife with a husband and kids. "Should I stay or should I go?" Shouldn't I work at making it work? For the kids? It's tough. It's not what they told us in marriage class. Well it is but who'd have believed it! I'm changing focus. It's NOT worth staying for kids. How to move forward? That and Rebel Heart Matters in 2007-08 have changed focus nonetheless- it's still about the ennuie.
Too cute, is this near you?
Looks like the little weenies at the day care across the street from the office, when they head off to the park....too cute!!
Now this is a person who has too much time on their hands. There had to be much planning and searching to coordinate those hats with those blankets.
I wanna know what they were drinking when they thought this up. I love it!
~ b
it does take lawn art to a unique level. RJ was rolling her eyes as I insisted on stopping the car and taking pictures! I was glad I had my camera. I would have gone home and come back to get this one!
Blondie's girl said they looked like they belong to some weird child cult!
ah. Blondie's girl. My virtual daughter. I was cracking up that she said that but that is so something she would think.
~ your virtual friend, blondie
Ring around the rosie.....
adorable. What a novel idea
and again RJ said it when I told her to take a look at your blog today. And she said again:
"She isn't real. She's really a bald man who is 60 and overweight."
Maybe she is mixing you up with Rudy??
THEN I said but I have her daughter on Facebook. And she said - "it's not her daughter. She has a magic cat who knows how to use the computer! These are not real people MOTH-ER! "
I roll my eyes at my know-it-all 15 yr old!
I am ONLY 45 and not completely bald
My hair is just running away from my kids (and kids like her LOL)
no comment on overweight cuz my doctor would def agree with RJ
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