Friday, December 05, 2008

Dollars to Doughnuts.

Since this whole divorce thing has been going on, I've been uncomfortable having people over. I just find it difficult what with SU being anti social on a good day and friends knowing what's going on. it's just not pleasant. Even when my best friend flew in from Winnipeg for my big birthday party last year, she stayed at a hotel because I just didn't want her hanging around the house much.

My point is the SU informed me that one of his young friends, the musician fellow who recently moved to the big city to make his fame and fortune as a singer is staying over at our house this evening as he makes his way to Montreal for a gig on Saturday evening.

The question to the SU was "where is this guy going to sleep?" SU is "giving him" the spare room where he sleeps - the one with the Perrier bottles and garbage strewn on the floor - and he is going to sleep in the basement - on the couch. I roll my eyes.

Apparently Rebel told me the friend called SU specifically a few days ago to ask if he could stay with us. I find this odd as this young man has over 700 Facebook friends many right here in town who are even his own age. Why stay at my house? So I asked someone else who knows him well. He didn't even know that this young man was coming to town! sigh..
Dollars to doughnuts (where did that expression come from?) the SU is probably going to Montreal with the young man. Wanna bet?
Interestingly, young man is very much like the SU. That doesn't bode well for his future!


Anonymous said...

Wow. What is wrong with him? Sheesh.

Did he at least clean up his bio- hazard of a room before the guy showed up?


And speaking of donuts. The kid and I just got home with a box of yum yums. They are like crack to me. tee hee.

~ b

Lily on the Road said...

Look on the bright side, if he goes to MX, it is one weekend without him in the house...

ps, don't try to understand the man, it is beyond comprehension...

MarieA said...

the room was cleaned up... except for three bottles of Perrier.. perhaps a host gift?

And true Lily, very true, the man doesn't understand himself so how could I possibly get inside his head.

I am moving on!