Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Fine Art.

The Christmas cards are coming in and it's most interesting to see some differences this year.

It's pretty clear who has all the friends. Most of the cards are coming addressed solely to me. SU and I have always had different names and cards would come to Marie and SU. Now it's just me.

There are a few folks who are not in the know about our impending dissolution of marriage and those cards are addressed to Mr and Mrs SU. We haven't received any as yet addressed solely to Mr SU.

When I open the cards addressed just to me - the inside reads Marie and family - I guess that's the etiquette when you know something but not everything and still wish the family a Merry Christmas but not sure who is *in* and who is *out*

I have been attempting to write the annual family newsletter to throw in with the card. I didn't write one last year because we had just started with Rebel's ordeal and the separation was on hold. I was not much in writing news to the world.

I would like to write one this year, but need to do it on the work computer since I don't have my own private space on our home computer. It's writing the thing in such a way that gets ALL the news out about SU and Rebel and our continuing changes without ranting like a crazed whacked-out-about-to-be-separated nutbar wife. Nor do I want to be all emotional and make people cry as they learn about Rebel. A fine art is the of writing the Christmas letter. I may post it up here once it's done just so you all see what I ended up with - for those of you who for some reason or other aren't on the receiving end of things.

I also created an animoto Christmas video with family pics in it. It's only a minute and a bit long, but it sort of speaks to the year. It's all right. The girls hate my video fixation. I LOVE animoto. If I have your email address or you're a friend on Facebook, you'll receive/see it. if you'd like to see it, send me an email and I'll forward it to you. It won't be up on youtube -the world doesn't need to see me in a bathing suit at the spa with the girls.


Anonymous said...

Hey M, nice dip with Frosty there ;-)

This is an awkward part but you will get through it. Eventually seeing just your name will be affirming and give you strength.

Good luck with the letter. Maybe a ranting version that doesn't get printed will be good for the soul.



Lily on the Road said...

Nicely put Rudy, as always you are spot on!


MarieA said...

and can I rant if I choose to.
thanks Rudy and Lily.

the dipping... the meez animations "go short" when they get moved from meez.com to another site. Over at meez, she is dancing up a storm with Frosty. Here she's just lunging after him! LOL