on the last bits of the agreement. Of course the SU doesn't want to move out of the house. The Barracuda told him "fogetaboutit!" you're goin!
His Shark threatened back on the equalization payment to do with pensions saying I benefit by 8K - if we both retire at 65. I would benefit by 24K if we retire at 55- 60 years. AS IF. SU has always said he'd work til at least 60 - He has no choice if he wants full pension benefits so good luck to the Shark on that one.
It will be interesting to see how SU handles the request for Child Support for Rebel.
As for Rebel's birthday. It went all right. SU was his usual anti social self not even trying to chat with the BF's parents. He took off pretty quickly too using the RJ's not feeling well as his excuse. Okay... she did have a sore throat and was a little cranky but she wasn't whining or anything. The BF's parents just think - as many do - that the SU is a self absorbed anti social prick who didn't even try for the sake of his daughter. She was not impressed and I believe had words with him a day later.
I went to see a counsellor at work to get a couple of referrals. In the mean time she advised me to get him to stop using the girls as intermediaries instead of talking to me directly. Indeed!
And finally - I found out that the reno project that SU has been working on for a fellow teacher - is another guy who was separated last fall. WE went to his wedding party. Nice girl. She dumped apparently. He supported her all through school to PhD and when that was done... so was she. Sad. Well at least SU could move in with him for a time if needed.
I am heading out for a patio dinner - first one of the season in our trendy market area. It's about 20C here and sunny so it's time to not worry for a few hours and giggle with some girls.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
Have a lovely time tonight. Let it all go by the way-side for a while.
hang in there.
~ b
almost time for outdoors but not quite yet. It was 2C and raining yesterday.
who is the shark to tell you when you can retire? Kick 'em in the ass both of them. Ha!
have fun tonight
it was indeed a lovely time. Chatted for hours over a great dinner and enjoying the market crowds on all the patios.
I do love spring and summer in the city. It's a vibrant kind of place.
Note to self - sell the house and buy a condo loft where the action is!
isn't that what rebel suggested? LOL
Maneater?! heh *WEG*
was wondering how long it would take before someone noticed my meez of the week! lol
Figured a more aggresive persona might help the psyche! LOL
excuse me, sell the house buy somewhere trendy??? do I hear an echooo ooooooo
or did I dream that I said that last year.....ahhh, must have been a dream!!
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