Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Wordless Wednesday.


blondie16 said...

Is this a photo of someones creative laptop set up? The red coming through the opened door looks practically hellish in nature. Like the gates of.

Excellent wordless which has almost left me speechless. {notice I said almost cuz otherwise this comment would be devoid of words and only my siggy. tee hee}

Happy Wordless Wednesday!
~ b

Anonymous said...

good thing I clicked it to big it. I had no idea what I was looking at. Then I recognized it as the cover of the door used to test the windows for leaks. I saw it on Tim Allen's Home Improvement LOL of course, there was a mishap involving the fireplace, the direction of air flow and placement of the damper LMAO


Anonymous said...

ype! Rudy you guessed it. This was part of the test done to check for air leaks in the house with the eco-energy audit.
Do you have ANY idea how much air escapes or flows in from the electricaal sockets alone?!?!

Also note the lovely lack of trim around the front door. Hello!! We live in Canada! That door has been left untrimmed now for three years! YOu can feel the air coming through during the dead of winter... Sure speaks to some weird state of mind.

soon to change..... soon to change...

MarieA said...

so the way the thing works is she sealed up the door and left that top circle for air
the fan at the bottom either sucks it in or our... I don't remember.
It's all hooked up to her laptop which took a gazillion measures and during this period we went floor to floor room to room looking for drafts... very educational. I should have the report this week sometime.

THEN based on the recommendations I fix what needs fixing... windows, insulation, furnace, lplug the sockets with those baby safety thingies.. and then she comes back again with this gadget and repeats the test. Ideally the numbers change for the better and I get a whack of money back from the feds for creating energy efficiencies in my house.

blondie16 said...

WoW! I woulda never guessed any of that. That made my pretty blonde head hurt. LOL!

I still say it looks like the gates of hell. *grin*

~ b

MarieA said...

LMAO... I don't believe you AT ALL... given the work you did all by your little pretty blonde self!