The SU bought a house he informed me when I returned from my week at camp. " I did really well," he started to tell me," I looked on July 7th and the offer went through *yesterday.*" Yesterday would be July 12th. He takes possession - wait for it - July 28th. He proceeded to blah blah blah about his great purchase when I cut him off. " I really do not care about the details of your purchase." He looked rather stunned by that. I don't think he gets that I am not his friend. All I had to say was "This means you won't be out by July 15th does it?" "Well, I just signed the offer to purchase" he responded.
Given we had an agreement that says he was to be out by the 15th, he really didn't get it. He will continue to pay me while he lives in my house. And he doesn't get his money til a week before his close date. He'll only be about ten minutes up the road.
I was thinking he'd move into the neighhbourhoud where Rebel Junior goes to school, but he didn't, so there is no advantage to her living with him. And in fact bus service is worse and tougher where he is than where we are. This will be interesting.
I think that once I get my house in shape I'll have my real estate agent keep an eye out on possibilities for me and perhaps after she gets back from France next spring, I'll be closer to her friends than him. Shall see how this plays out.
Meanwhile, his suit managed to misplace the paperwork for the real estate transactions that my suit - not the barracuda, but the real estate and family lawyer I use- had sent over. Yet another stupid delay. Who is this amateur? I have been rolling my eyes for a couple of days now.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
At least he has a house. While the 28th isn't the 15th there is still an end in sight. You can begin your August free of him. Focus on the positive rather than the negative.
WTF?? Misplaced the paperwork? Excellent suit he has there, eh?
Hang in there. It truly is almost over.
~ b
p.s. my word ver is fleas.
pesky annoying flea will soon be out of your house. heh!
What the hell is it with them trying to be friends?
I guess it is just a way to ease their consciences so they can look and see and tell everyone that it is OKAY because "we are still friends"
My counselor summed it up perfectly - "she wasn't your friend IN the marriage, you certainly don't have to be her friend outside the marriage"
now, get along for the kids' sake of course, but that whole buddy buddy shit can get flushed.
I haven't put an ounce of energy into being friendly since she said that (quote) and it helped me a great deal and I haven't missed her a bit.
The new wifey thought that CS and I should have coffee once a month to prove to the kids that all is well between us the 3 of us. Needless to say, I declined.
{I probably wasn't all that polite about it either. My guess is that I told CS not just no but HELL no. I am sure that I reminded him that my friends don't treat me the way he did thus he and I will never be friends. Interestingly enough my brother didn't seem to get that memo about CS but that is a story for another day on my own blog.}
~ b
Okay, Ms. Militant here:
a) he knew he had to get out on the 15th, he waited till the 7th to look for a house? WTF
b) has he NOT heard of a hotel? WTF
c) should RJ decide to live with him, her choice, her transportation problem, she's old enough, WTF
d) misplaced paperwork ~ not your problem, WTF
e) I'll shut up now...thanks for letting me vent on your blog! LOL
still love ya! muah*
RJ's problem or SU's problem (since he picked that neighborhood) but definitely NOT your problem.
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