How is it that I have the Hunky handyman on stand by and XSU decides - a week before he is to leave the house - to start doing long standing repairs on the house. What gives?
Numbers 1-10 on my list have made it to his to do list. seriously? WTF?!?
I got home from a meeting Monday evening evening and XSU proceeded to tell me that he went car shopping and on and on he went about what he decided to buy how much of a savings he got... blah blah blah. My lack of interest didn't seem to penetrate his brain - what else is new. I asked about a car for Rebel and heard his thoughts on that which led I believe to his *real* question- "so... when will I see some money from you?" Ah ha... there it is - never mind about the car. It's the money.
I have Rebel Junior's exchange student coming in a few weeks, and for some reason, XSU has decided to "take care" of a few of the outstanding fix it things on the list. I roll my eyes. Okay the moldings will finally be put back on in one bedroom, some trim was finished on the patio door. He also wants to finish the trim around both bathroom sinks. sigh.... and NOT how I want it done. He had some lame idea of adding wood trim around the sinks or building a shelf around the sink - which when he tried it before was a pain rather than a unique design feature. The amusing part is that as he said, "I want to do this" and I'd say no, he grew more and more frustrated. I told him not to fret over it, since he hadn't bother doing anything for the last 7 years and I would take care of it myself with the guy I've hired to finish things up around the house. " Let's not bo back to the past," he said, "let's go forward and see what we can do."
Umm.. first of all there is no longer a "we" and second of all don't feel you need to finish this now one week before you are out of the house. Focus on getting your stuff out the door instead and finish the easy stuff. I have the hunky handyman, AKA HH, coming over in a day or two so you are officially superfluous. "
He left the room and didn't bother responding.
Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
So is he REALLY gonna exit stage left in 7 days? I hope so.
Don't ya love it when they say *we*? I used to respond with *we?, do you have a mouse in your pocket?* The poor dears, they just don't get it, do they? XSU and his new need to be involved in the house reminds me of the time I put new tires on my car after CS had filed. He flipped the HELL out because I hadn't consulted him. I just smiled and told him that it was my car and I had taken care of it. And I walked away. I could feel his rage and his eyes boring into my back as I did so. It was excellent.
Hang in there, girlfriend. Freedom from his daily idiocy is oh so very near.
love and hugs,
~ b
Doh, I thought the car WAS for R not RJ.
Perfect response, I AM going forward with HH fixing this place up the way I want it - you are SO past. bwahahahaha
What could he say? just hang your head and slink out of the room.
So is he REALLY gonna exit stage left in 7 days? I wonder if he is leaving....
Change those door locks when he is gone, I'm serious, sounds as though he thinks he'll still have free range.
new doors ordered... lock set upon recommendation from the HH AKA Hunky Handyman
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