Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's NOT a pity party!

Barbecued Ribs & Ciclon Punch Night.
May 17th
6:00 PM - whenEvEr

Girls night To celebrate a very *serious* birthday
in a very Not Serious way

Music by the Red Light Band

Food by Marie and Lone Star Cafe
Barbecued ribs, potato salad Marie's killer Caesar salad,
and of course... desserts... lots and lots of desserts

No need to bring anything else except - a lawn chair - we fully expect summer to be nearly here and a pair of sunglasses - so you can be anonymous in the photos on my Facebook page!

It will be time to celebrate friendship, life and new beginnings at that specific life marker.

Guys... if you're reading... I could make an exception on the girls only rule... ... maybe... (wink wink)


Annie said...

Sounds luscious! Wish I wasn't going to be somewhere exotic like.... who knows.....qq

Anonymous said...


I need to find and try that Ciclon, btw. It better not be something I can't buy around here. That will not make me happy at all. I will report back.


~ blondie

Anonymous said...

try it mixed with grapfruit soda a mere smidgeon of Grand Marnier... and a sliced lime... TO DIE FOR! A real WOMAN's Drink!