Tuesday, May 01, 2007

'Scopes, Sharks & Shoes.

This was my horoscope today.:
Events that would halt another person in his tracks simply whet your appetite for more. What gives? Are you some kind of superhero or something? Other people are in awe of your abilities, as well they should be.
And this was for the next sign. Because I am at the end of one sign and the cusp of another, I usually follow two signs. Just to keep life interesting.

Surrender the wheel to the universe and you might find that your destination is a lot more fun. Funnily enough, the ride there becomes a lot smoother too. Trust in the process and you'll soon see results.

I really don't believe much in horoscopes, but there is something to be said for these things sometimes isn't there? I have put up with a lot, and I do keep moving. Interestingly, the spouse is a great one for always having told me to "trust in the process" because sometimes - it's all you CAN do.

I am no super hero. I do what I need to get done. I do have to surrender myself and go with the flow.

The shark in a suit rings in at $400 per hour and wants a 5K retainer for starters. OR I could use his Law Clerks for $100 per hour. I think not. In any case he wasn't available at a much earlier date than the She-Barracuda. So the barracuda it will be.

I have started the process. And I have to trust in it.

Only 16 days til Ribs & Ciclon Night.

The RSVPs are starting to roll in. I am getting through the checklist of things to do! I have new shoes too! It's gonna be slammin!

Can a nearly "significantly serious" birthday girl say "slammin?"


Anonymous said...

Yup, You sure can say "slammin"!

Sounds like you are making some headway in getting your representation. Good! Make sure you petition that he pay for your L. It may not pan out, but it can't hurt to try.

Nope, you are not a superhero. None of us are. Half the battle is realizing that.

Love ya girlie,
~ Blondie

Anonymous said...

Lova ya right back
Oh yeah... I am gonna be petitioning for whatever I can.. BELIEVE you me.

Calories and Coffee said...

Holy crap that's a lot of money! I wish I could come to your party!!

Anonymous said...

You're only a day's drive away Aleks!

Yes the She Barracude is only $285 an hour, and if the mediation thing sticks she doesn't ask for a retainer.

So far
Money I've spent?
$500 for investment and financial advice.
$600 pension evalution.
Laywers - ZERO!!! as in 0!

Total - 1100

Money spouse has spent
pension evaluation - $450
lawyer 1500

Let's round up to 2000.

I think I am handling things a little better.


Calories and Coffee said...

Only a days drive away when I'm kid free which is NEVER!!!!!!!
Okay, not never but rarely.