....... under the circumstances.
Interestingly, as I was musing about when the SU might turn up with our RebelTweeny I received a phone call from the sister in law. They are not leaving the east coast until Friday and with the niece in tow as well. Her dad, SU's single dad brother, is staying behind in the east for "peace and quiet." Apparently, niece would give both Rebel and Rebel Tween a run for the money in the drama & dare department. His parental style, according to the SIL, is similar to SU's. Can you see the eyes rolling?! I am none too pleased with this information. She will be here alone without her dad for nearly two weeks.
RebelTween has a baby sitting engagement which I will NOT allow her to forfeit. I am not expecting the SU to take this into account. I will be back at work full time so I most certainly won't be entertaining niece. Rebel isn't much in the mood or even able really to entertain said niece.
Sister in law figured I wouldn't know about this turn of events and accurate she was. I was pleased she gave me the heads up on what was down the road. WhatEvEr. Niece will be SU's problem. I will no doubt need to ensure that RT doesn't decide to take her on midnight walks or outings late into the evening. Sister in law asked if I was ready to handle this, and I told her I was too tired to deal with another problem teen. She said she wasn't surprised to hear it.
That same evening RT called me to give me the same news. I let her know "quitting" her mother's helper job over the next two weeks was not an option. At first she balked, but I let her know how disappointed the mom would be if she didn't show, and worse, how disappointed the FIVE, yes count'em FIVE kids, and another due in October, would be if she didn't show. She'll go and enjoy it for her $12 bucks a day! I am thinking about calling the SU at his parents place, oh did I mention that RT is with aunt and SU is at his parents, so kid isn't even spending time with her dad? - yes... calling SU and to let him know how things will be when he brings the niece home with him. The bigger question is also, where will niece and her dad sleep? With SU in the spare room and me not about to give up sleeping smack in the middle of my queen size bed... where is he planning on putting everyone? I suggest a hotel!
Rebel and I spent three hours at the Heart Institute this morning. Rebel went through a bunch of tests. The echo cardiogram again, blood work and a nuclear med thing... radio active stuff injected into her veins so that pictures could be taken of the stuff hitting her heart and what was going on in there. I worry a bit about what happens to these little bits of radio active material in her body. However on the other hand, if it helps heal, that 's good. But ... how does it " go away" as per the lab tech who did the test?
Glad to be off work. I've read and reread the harassment policy and will need to chat with she who believes in dictating rather than leading to let her know that "abuse of authority" is harassment. I am not usually one to be too perturbed by idiot managers, I mean... there are so many of them in the world, but given how my life seems to be one major thing after another, I believe I will feel good taking this one down a notch or two. She doesn't deserve the job. She can't do it. She needs to be booted back to private. 1 star general material? - hell... she ain't even sergeant material. Boot camp. Back to basics before attempting to lead anyone.
A/C gone again! sigh. And it's a hot one today. 32 degrees C; 96ish F for the US folks. A/C guy back tomorrow. It's weird. The A/C machine outside the house is working, but the furnace inside isn't. I am not likin' this.
I'm thinking chicken caesar salad and cold BEvERages for supper. I am also thinkin we're not either of us going to be moving around too quickly either. Shall sit in my chair, listening to the CBC and cropping photos for the scrapbooks!
Keep cool