Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer breezes.

It's pretty quiet around here. Rebel went with a good friend to their cottage overnight. It was tough to let her go, but I have learned I really can't hover over her. It drives her mental. Not a good thing. However when your kid has been dealing with a near life threatening condition, it's hard to let her out of sight. But out of sight I did let her go. She was looking forward to lying on floaty on a lake for a few hours. It will give her peace and tranquility I hope.

I took myself out with a young friend of mine. We went to a new location of one of the well known Irish pubs in town. We chatted for hours. Said young friend is connected to the spousal unit's young party friend. They all run in the same Celtic fusion and dance circles. Long story short.... apparently when the SU is at the parties... he drinks til quite drunk and has on more than one occasion discussed the spousal ennuie. My young friend tells me the friends don't particularly want to hear what the SU has to say... and turn him off. Interestingly,the others do not know of my connection to this young woman... a professional one, and thus, they have been quite open in discussing and wondering how I can put up with the SU's behaviour... etc etc. It was an enlightening conversation.

I am still not ready to get back into the mediation fray with SU. Rebel has a long way to go, and frankly, any strength I had kind of drained away this last month. And more than one friend has more than once asked me... "so Marie, how are YOU doing?" Most of the time, I am okay. This evening, I found that sitting outside at a patio with a pint and food enjoying the warm summer breeze and setting sun was just the right kind of healing. I have to thank my young friend for suggesting it. And I need to do more of this over the next few weeks.

Take time to enjoy a warm summer breeze.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are enjoying your down time...good for you.

Rebel needs her own time and will look after herself. Time to loosen the tie just a bit. She's a bright young lady, she knows what she needs to do to keep herself safe and healthy.

Don't waste any more time on SU. Be proactive.....don't let sleeping dogs lay or is it lie???!!!

You'll know when you're ready to step back up to the plate.

Take care, talk with you soon,


Rudy said...

This evening, I found that sitting outside at a patio with a pint and food enjoying the warm summer breeze and setting sun was just the right kind of healing.

Ah, absolutely fabulous. What an image.

Blondie will tell you that one of my all time fave songs is Rush's Time Stand Still. I shared it with her way back when... If you aren't familiar with it you should check it out. I believe the lyrics fit your evening experience.

I hope you have many more of these moments.
