Thursday, November 08, 2007

Thirteen on Thursday.

13 things sitting on my desk -
in no particular order of importance

1. two coffee cups - one water one coffee (decaf)
2. two steno pads.. - one phone log, one to do list
3. four pens
4. one box of calcium soft chews 2-3 daily when the need for chocolate arises - the two birds with one stones theory.
5. one Tupperware container of muesli - for my yoghurt
6. one thermos of coffee from home
7. one parking ticket - need to write a cheque - money grubbing city charging for tickets on a Sunday night IN FRONT of a hospital!
8. one invoice from the She Barracuda- need to write a cheque- she who is my champion!
9. one computer monitor - of course
10. one toastmaster's manual - Specialty Speeches - next week I speak
11. four pads of post it notes.. all yellow.. all different sizes- different purposes
12. ten ( at least!) book reviews waiting purchasing decisions
13. four professional journals - waiting to be scanned


Rudy said...

My desk as at least 13 piles of things on it.

surprisingly to most, I am never at a loss as to where things are and can produce them in a flash.


I file in clusters.

Anonymous said...

Nice Thursday Post! I love Thursdays, the kids are in bed 7:30, then Earl, the Office, Greys, and ER are on! Can you say no laundry , and take out for dinner on Thursdays?????????

Hope you have a great TT, stop by my blog if you can!