You gotta love Facebook. Lurking on profiles it's amazing what one learns. I see the young man's, with whom SU parties, girlfriend sent a note to one of my linked friends.. " we're going to the bar and SU is meeting us there... do you want to join us?" Hmmm SU mentioned nothing to me and I had planned on going out myself to scrapbook.
So upon arriving at home, I asked him if he was indeed going to the bar that evening. The look on his face... priceless.. He asked me how I knew. AS IF I was going to reveal how I gather my intelligence.. he tried pushing for a bit, and of course, I gave away nothing. In the end... he didn't go out... and the next day... I saw who all was there as photos were posted up on the friend's girlfriend's page on Facebook.
SU owes me a pile of money on our health benefits for Rebe's meds. Between $300-$400 worth. We both have plans through our work and the benefits are coordinated. The policy is whoever has the earliest birthday claims the children first and then the rest comes out of the other spouse's plan. I've had my 65% returned and now I keep waiting for SU to cough up what I need back for cash flow.. Rebel's meds average about $200 every 6 weeks for now.. and it cuts in a bit. Not sure how this works after we're done but I am sure the insurance companies have policies for this too.
Rebel Tween has a friend staying the weekend. Friend's mom and I have had many discussions and we read the riot act to both girls together. We told them... mess this one up girls and it's good by sleep overs til university!
Rebel's boyfriend, cut the lawn, fixed a lamp outside, and washed the windows already and it's only 11 AM! I am giving him the "honey do" list. It doesn't seem that SU is too embarrassed by any of it. I think his entire two months off, when he wasn't visiting family consisted of sleeping til noon and watching tv in his cave. He did nothing else. No surprise and no expectation.
SU asked me if I "had" to go to the first day barbecue at RT's school on Tuesday. RT will be going to the same school where SU teaches rather than to our neighbourhood high school. I told him given that the newsletter we received from the new principal said.."all parents welcome" and I am a parent... it would be seem to be a good idea to attend. He suggested I may cramp RT's style... and I replied...
"Of course I cramp her style, she's 14 and I am her mother.. You sure it's not YOUR style you're worried about?"Given that she upon whom he died of unrequited love still works there... it may be other issues bothering him. I am the alpha parent though.. so barbecue here I come. And I WILL meet every teacher in that school! Get ready!
Long weekend and I took several extra days off work. Not back til next Thursday. And it's a beautiful day. I've got the sheets outside drying for that fresh air scent, the windows wide open and a book to read on the quarter deck with a Creemore in another couple of hours.
Does Jerry Lewis still have his telethon going?
Enjoy YOUR long weekend.