Monday, November 12, 2007

Quiet. It's Good.

It was a pretty quiet weekend around the place. Rebel took herself out to her usual former bar haunts on Friday. the boyfriend was out hunting with his dad for the weekend so Rebel got busy with the girls and others she hasn't seen for some time. I told Rebel I would phone her every hour to check up on her. I didn't. I did read her friend the riot act and told her to watch out for Rebel in case she started to not feel well or something. She had a good time and was very happy to get out and party... even if it was in a non alcoholic and just a few dances kind of way.

RebelTweeny slept over at a friend's house on Friday evening, and normally I wold have had the house to myself as SU plays hockey every Friday. Well, damn if he didn't play! He locked himself up in his room and didn't come out all night. I finally taught myself to download music (can you believe it?!) and now have a whack of stored tunes. I need an iPod or other MP3 player. I played music loud on Friday night - just to see if there was a threshold for SU. I had to make sure it all downloaded properly didn't I? ( she blinks innocently.)

Interestingly, the age difference between Rebel and her BF kind of displayed itself this weekend while he was gone. She had a great time with all her friends and really didn't miss this guy at all. I have told her over and over that being an independent young woman is important. She should never lose her connections with the girls over a guy... any guy. The girls will be there if you keep up your friendships and not let a man get you too involved. I think she got it this weekend.

The rest of the weekend was pretty much a non event.Rebel and I went to the first of many of the Christmas Craft Fairs and bought some new stuff for the house I am sure a photo will show up on wordless sometime in December. RT had a couple of run ins with her dad this weekend. He really does go hot and cold and you just don't know. She was taking her time getting ready for church - she has decided she is a non believer - So SU did tell her that she would go and she would continue to go until at least age 18. She could sit and quietly contemplate life he told her if she chose not to follow the liturgy. That surprised me. She came, sat and hummed instead of singing. Works for me for now.

I have the day off work today as the Remembrance Day holiday fell on Sunday so we get today off. I have a bunch of errands to run - snow tires on car today, lunch with Lily, find the Christmas house lights, and some other mundane kind of things. SU told me he'd pay some bills. Good for him... finally. I know it's because the last of the car payments was last month, so he has cash to burn now.


Anonymous said...

Good for the SU, (did I say that?)at least he took a stand towards RT going to church. Even if she does sit and hum along, there is a basic law of the mind at work here: whenever your conscious and subconscious are in conflict, your subconscious invariably wins. At sometime the RT may leave the church, but, 9 out of 10, she will return and truly believe.

Glad to hear that Rebel is able to get out with her friends! Good news indeed.

As for your advice to her about girl friends vs. "the guy". Good for you! I ran with a group this weekend, a good age range in fact, male and female. The general consenses is really important to keep your women friends....they will always be there for you! The men in the group agreed....

Wish a good friend of mine would take heed. Since her very recent split with her SU, she is now well ensconced in another's life, he is trying the divide and conquer approach to this new relationship. I'd hate to loose a good friend because of this.....time will tell...

Really looking forward to the long, long overdue lunch with M today....can you imagine, our football teams go head to head on Sunday....woooo hoooo!!!

Arrrrr Goooo's


Rudy said...

I put the winter tires on this morning as well. We had our third snowfall over the weekend and it is here to stay. Ran the snowblower twice in 24 hours. The mals love it and have been playing non-stop.

Well, I am off for my errands. 50 hours or so until I leave for Cali. WOOT!