Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
en·nui Old French annoyance;weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM spousal boredom, annoyance I'm a wife with a husband and kids. "Should I stay or should I go?" Shouldn't I work at making it work? For the kids? It's tough. It's not what they told us in marriage class. Well it is but who'd have believed it! I'm changing focus. It's NOT worth staying for kids. How to move forward? That and Rebel Heart Matters in 2007-08 have changed focus nonetheless- it's still about the ennuie.
Thanks Blondie. So in this morning's frantic getting out the door push, I decided to take a photo of the snow on the back stoop ( quarer poop deck) and use that instead of my little Grey Cup campaign) and THOUGHT I sent it to you... alas ... hotmail must have gone haywire, and there is no snow picture.... later... shall send it to you later... as you and Rudy enjoy the desert breezes before you dig into tom turkey!
I have snow pictures for you M :-)
and they weren't taken in the desert.
I am having a great time just left of hell. In fact, the weather is cooling a bit for Thanksgiving :-)
and WE both know... it's NOT really an American Thanksgiving unless there is cold and snow right?
Perhaps you can find an ice hockey arena and get them to dump something in the Blonde's back yard... just for something to do?
Well, growing up in WI we hoped for snow by Thanksgiving so the deer hunters would have easier tracking. :-)
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