Learning to Drive a Whole New Way
2 years ago
en·nui Old French annoyance;weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM spousal boredom, annoyance I'm a wife with a husband and kids. "Should I stay or should I go?" Shouldn't I work at making it work? For the kids? It's tough. It's not what they told us in marriage class. Well it is but who'd have believed it! I'm changing focus. It's NOT worth staying for kids. How to move forward? That and Rebel Heart Matters in 2007-08 have changed focus nonetheless- it's still about the ennuie.
This reminded me of my wedding ring which had never left my hand for 22+ years.
It had to be cut off.
I love the composition of the photo.
The blurry focus and broken band speak of a sadness to me.
~ b
thanks (-: blurry - mostly unintentional then I saw it on the screen and went with it.
This was SU's ring. He broke it on a carpentry job. I kept it because I was ( and still will) melt it down and use it in something else.
When I bought him a new band several years later on our anniversary, he wouldn't wear it. Flat out recoiled when I tried to put it on his finger. I should have realized then all was not well. I don't believe he ever realized how much he hurt me.
That new one is going to be melted down too. I've decided to take all the emeralds he's given me and turn them into something for the girls. Don't need his jewelry any longer.
The blurry seriously helps tell the story. I love it.
I know about not needing the x's jewelry anymore. {not that I was gifted with many} I have a ruby and diamond ring that I love. Kids have plans to design a new ring using the old jems. Fine by me. {the jewels are the kids birthstones which makes the ring special}
I still have all the wedding/engagement rings. I told the girl to do with them what she wanted. I would imagine she will melt them down some day.
~ b
Great Idea M,
Devine Jewellery (yes, that's their real name) does an excellent job on reconstructive jewellery surgery! @ the Chateau Laurier (or through moi)......
Emeralds, my birthstone! Love them....
As for me, still wear my engagement ring but on my right hand. Someone once said "but it's on the wrong hand, I said 'cause it was from the wrong man!!"
Hang in there,
Ha! From the wrong man - I love it!
The ex actually asked about the diamonds I had gotten her as she was packing up her things. Evidently feeling guilty because she knew she didn't love me all along. I told her that I loved her when I had given them so she could keep them - what would I do re-gift? gah, could you imagine how that would make you feel?
Now, I wish I had kept them. I like the idea of putting the stones in new settings.
I have no idea if she wears them or not and I have recently told the daughter that she should take/have them not her mother. I don't know that this little brat deserves them either but that is another story.
So Blondie, should we shop for something sparkly when I am there next time?
I just don't believe women when they say they don't like jewelry any more. The ex said that right up until her friend gave her a gold bracelet for her birthday and she never, ever, took it off. *Sigh* So much for not liking jewelry.
I can be taught to love jewelry. I just never saw the point in wanting something that was never gonna come from the X.
Sadly it wasn't that he didn't want to buy jewelry. He just didn't want to buy it for me. This is evidenced by the fact that the new wifey has many jewels. beautiful, expensive jewels. sigh
I LOVE that saying. It's the right ring from the wrong man. NICE!
*hugs to all*
~ b
and I believe most of what I have is guilt jewelry... his ... not mine. So I have worn it a lot, but now figured... meh!
Better my girls enjoy it... though I have bratty qualities to worry about with the RT as well. When she's older I am sure she'll appreciate these things.
Now I just can't decide what to do with the jewlery box he made me. Has my initials carved in the shape of a heart. Keep it let either a daughter or perhaps some day a granddaughter have it.... or burn it!
I agree that it is better to let the girls enjoy the jewels. I would be doing the same had I actually gotten any. LOL!
Unless the jewelry box is just butt-ugly I would wrap it up and set it aside. Someday one of the girls or granddaughters will be pleased to have it, not because he gave it to you, but because it was yours.
~ b
I feel an intense need to drink. I think I will go open the bar on the shadows. *sigh* Is December over yet?
I agree with blondie, no one need know where it came from. It will have your initials and that will make it special to the granddaughter.
At first M, my thoughts were burn it, however, after reading a "parents perspective" from you, Blondie and Rudy ~
{Someday one of the girls or granddaughters will be pleased to have it, not because he gave it to you, but because it was yours.}
Yes, keep it tucked away....for the future....
Blondie, sigh, I agree, why is it you can be with someone for eons, never, I mean never receive jewellery, then have a nasty breakup - then see them with the twenty something, who is wearing "Bling"! I just don't get it....no wonder I've been single for seven years!!
As for is December over yet, darlin' it hasn't even started yet!!!
Break out the pink bar! Make mine a double please!
As for is December over yet, darlin' it hasn't even started yet!!!
son-of-a-bitch! It hasn't, has it. GAH!
As far as the jewelry goes. The X's new little wifey is not 20-something and the photo is...well...frightening. I guess she needs all the help she can get so he is buying her jewels. heh! Still pisses me off though. fucktard!
~ b
Fucktard is efffing right,
it was my fortysomething with the twentysomething....actually 19 at the time.....
alas, after he got his sectretary pregnant, the twentysomething left for greener pastures.....then ended up divorced....ahhhh the sweet smell of revenge.....
history is certainly a mystery!
I have seen pictures, yes, the jewelry is probably to give people something else to look at.
Not saying she is ugly.....
I didn't get the ex jewelry because I was told repeatedly that she didn't want it, we couldn't afford it yadda yadda yadda
When I found out how much she liked the jewelry she got from her friend/boss/??? I started buying it (truth be told I could better afford it at that point too). The point is, I had always wanted to get it for her but was turned down before I bought it.
"Not saying she is ugly....."
Just that she is BARELY pretty.
Bless her heart.
I crack myself up!
aw crap.
that was me up there. Blondie.
I need more coffee I guess. I was so busy cracking myself up that I forgot to sign my post. heh!
My X's first little chickie was only two years older than our 16 year old daughter. He was dating a girl who was young enough to be HIS DAUGHTER! ew.ew.ew.
I knew there was something up when he refused to tell me how old she was. Not a problem for me. I know how to use the internets. I found her and found out. The look on his face when I asked if she had a good birthday was well worth the price of admission for sure! heh!
fucktards! all of 'em!
~ b
WHO KNEW a little broken ring would cause a conversation to go. I have a record. I am so excited!
Just as well since I couldn't think of a 13 list for today! LOL!!
Your X - my SU Blondie. Freaked him out too when I figured out who is Fantasy Girl was... He went out and made her a jewelry box EXACTLY like mine... except for HER initials instead of mine... right down to the same red velvet on the inside too. (it's why I have a thing about mine!) I smashed that one to bits! Felt great. Freaked him out too. The best part... he had a fantasy relationship.. she's 19 yrs younger than him.,.. is in a relationship herself and he thought he'd be able to woo her with a jewlery box! She didn't even know he existed. Fantasies... I mean really!
Now... she's going to be one of RT's teachers in the next year or two... and won't the SU be seriously uncomfortable when I go in to talk to her! It should be highly entertaining.
WHO KNEW a little broken ring would cause a conversation to go. I have a record. I am so excited!
Just as well since I couldn't think of a 13 list for today! LOL!!
Your X - my SU Blondie. Freaked him out too when I figured out who is Fantasy Girl was... He went out and made her a jewelry box EXACTLY like mine... except for HER initials instead of mine... right down to the same red velvet on the inside too. (it's why I have a thing about mine!) I smashed that one to bits! Felt great. Freaked him out too. The best part... he had a fantasy relationship.. she's 19 yrs younger than him.,.. is in a relationship herself and he thought he'd be able to woo her with a jewlery box! She didn't even know he existed. Fantasies... I mean really!
Now... she's going to be one of RT's teachers in the next year or two... and won't the SU be seriously uncomfortable when I go in to talk to her! It should be highly entertaining.
Are you padding your record by putting up the same comment twice?
JUST kidding.
Seriously though, I remember you telling me about the box he had made for her in the likeness of your own and how you found and destroyed it. Sweet! That must have felt awesome!
When the X was dating the new wifey, he didn't even know he was. I had to tell him. He was all "we have had lunch a couple of times and have seen a couple of movies together." I said dude, you may not think you are dating..but she KNOWS you are. The look on his face......priceless!
Sounds like you will get to have a bit o fun when the RT is in her classes. WOOT!
~ blondie
feel free to help me edit B.
Some wierd blogger thing. I only got one notification in my hotmail too..
yeah... it was... "so darlin ya going to hand her a jewelry box and ask her to run away with you AFTER you tell your two kids and wife that you are in la la land or before? Oh and by the way I make less money than you do too, so maybe think about a pre nup or I will want to go after your pension when we most likely divorce like I am doing to the first wife."
Yes... they ARE RAMB Fucktards.
ha word ver... JUISY!
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